Nobody likes having a pet die, but since few pets live as long as we generally do, that is going to happen at some point. I once held in my hand a tiny kitten suffering from a bite to his neck. An adult cat had tried to kill it, and the wound was deep enough that eventually the little one did die, but not until he had suffered considerably. That was my first experience with a pet's death, and I was just a child at the time. My mom had me hold the kitten while she rushed to call the veterinarian, but if I remember correctly, by the time we got the kitten over there it was already too late. Over the years, we've had a few animals put down, and that is the saddest thing ever, but sometimes it just has to be done. Some of our pets have died at home, while others have wandered off to die elsewhere. My mom recently found some dead kittens in the shed behind her house. It nearly broke her heart as she is the world's biggest cat lover, but there was nothing that could be done. The mother cat was missing from the site, and we assume that she either got hit by a car and killed or had tried to fight off a wild animal and had been killed in the process. Without a mother, the little ones only lived a little while. It's sad, but this sort of thing happens in nature all the time.