Actually Tetra SafeStart is the only Tetra product I use. More importantly, it is (not) really a Tetra product since it is rebranded from Dr. Tim's. It is proven working. Dr. Tim is the one who invented the first live bacteria product for aquarium nitrogen cycle. It is rebranded by multiple companies including Tetra. Most of the proven working aquarium nitrogen cycle product on the market are basically from the same origin. If somehow it had failed for you, maybe the bottle you used was not properly stored before it got to you. eg: it was exposed to sunlight or other source of heat, which could have made the product useless.
Earlier version of the product even needed refrigeration to keep the live bacteria effective. The later improved version did not need the refrigeration part, but still need to be properly stored.
As for Tetra SafeStart and Tetra Safestart Plus, I guess the Plus is just another later version of the same product. Many of the aquatic product companies have added "plus" to their "upgraded" version of products. The reason for the non "plus" version to exist at the same time is simply due to the leftover inventory.
From what I have heard from other people's reports, ballon rams are not weaker than other ram. Sure they might be the result of selective breed, but as long as you get them from a good source and give them good care, they are strong enough to thrive.