I'm not a big insect fan overall. Those like the praying mantis, moths, lady bugs, and butterflies are perfectly alright.
I have a huge phobia concerning bees, wasps, hornets, etc ... needles with wings *shivers* I'm doing better with bumble bees though (also called carpenter bees here in North Carolina).
Tiny spiders in my house I'm alright with. It's the larger spiders that need to stay outdoors or pay the consequences. All their needs are met out there ... no reason for them to come inside. Either my cats or myself will kill them. Ants also have to go. For some reason we were infested with them the first 2 years we moved into this house. After a couple of rounds of bug spray, I guess the hive learned to stay away from them crazy humans. =)
I don't go out of my way to kill when I am outside (in their territory), but I do defend my home when they encroach on my territory.