Personally, no. I know they're smart, & personable, etc, but not for me. And years ago at least, when they fist started to become popular, people were selling regular domesticated farm piglets as pot bellies.
So this made mr think of a story from a long time ago that is both funny and tragic. I had a friend who got a pot bellied piglet. He also had 4 iguanas that lived on a large screened porch he had basically converted into a large vivarium. A large covered shaded area, a large uncovered sunny area, lots of plants and trees, a large kiddie pool, etc.
They pretty much had it made. After having the pig maybe 6 months if I remember, it was clear it wasn't one of the"miniature" pot bellies. It was a porker. Fairly sweet, but very needy, and clearly not meant to live in a three bedroom house. So I give him a ride home from work one night, late, and the pig is nowhere to be found. The sliding glass door to the porch was open, the largest male iguana was hanging upside down on the screen top, clearly freaked out, there were two legless, injured iguanas on the ground, and a hole in the screen. We were like, "what the hell?" Then there was a squeal, and the pig runs through the yard, with an iguana in its mouth, with one leg left. Damndest thing I've ever seen.
That's not to say pigs don't make good pets. Just to make sure you know what type of animal you are actually getting, and that you have everything necessary to care for it.