They actually come in a rainbow of colors, depending on which locality they come from. Green, yellow, blue, black, and white. She is a cross, her mother was from the Aru islands, where the pythons typically have a moderate green colour, with largish white spots on their back, and tourquoise blue scales along their stomachs, occasionally with flecks of black. This its am image of a classic spraying Aru green tree python...
Her father was from Biak , where the green tree pythons are typically lime to darker green with varying amounts of yellow, sometimes extreme amounts, in odd patterns including "masking" over the face, and sometimes a high amount of black fleecing. Here's an image of a Biak, I wouldn't say "typical", but gives an idea of the possibilities...
As for their temperaments, until about 10 years ago, almost all were wild caught animals, and for tnt most part those were temperamental, to say the least. But now, all of the colubrid bred animals available, they are quite tame generally.