My dog chased his tail as a puppy. For him, everything is all about fun and games, and it was just another fun game to play. He grew out of it though, I think he enjoys his actual toys more. I think he figured out that once he catches his tail, there's not much else to do with it. He actually did catch his tail and hold onto it once, still spinning in circles for a bit, then rolling over with his tail still in his mouth. It was hilarious.
My youngest dog never chased her tail, probably because it's curly and small, so there's not much to chase.
My first dog chased his tail pretty much his whole life though. It would just be when he was hyper and felt like doing it. We're not sure if it was because he didn't realize it was part of him, or if he was just doing it for fun. He would only do it for a few minutes then move on to a toy after that though.