I see birds playing and drinking from puddles all the time in the wild. The bird that I had was a wild bird that I had since it was a baby at my elementary school. One of my classmates found it and it was too small to fly so they put it up in a tree. Later I found it and brought it home. To give our bird a bath, we would get a big bowl and fill it half way with water and put it on our kitchen floor since it is tiled. Then our bird would get excited and hop on the ledge of the bowl while chirping. It would then flutter in and out of the water and back on the ledge until it was brave enough. Then once inside the bowl and in the water it would duck it's head under the water and shake like a dog and all the water would splash everywhere. Our bird seemed to enjoy itself while taking baths. When it was done it would simply hop out and fly away. We never used a spray and our bird never seemed to get cold.