I did not have any favorite pet books. The most important factors in choosing a pet you should consider is, would you be able to meet the animal's needs, some animals are quite tricky to keep and if you do not have the knowledge to care for them and keep them happy this might turn into a disaster. What are the costs involved, will you be able to feed your pet and pay the vet bills, heating bills and special treats they need. Some pets needs a lot of time and attention, so time is another factor, If you do not have the time at hand to groom them or play with them rather consider a pet that do not need all that much attention. Consider the space you have, some dogs really need a lot of space to roam especially the big breeds, they will not thrive if you stick them in an apartment with no garden.
The most important thing is not to get a new pet on impulse, consider it wisely before you jump.