If you had the choice of having any animal in the world, wild or domestic, as a pet which animal would you choose? And why would you pick that animal? Tell me about this animal and how it might relate to you.
Personally, I have always been drawn to wolves. I know from having a half wolf/half husky, that they are somewhat withdrawn, but not shy, but not really friendly either. The mixture makes them trainable, as in sit and down commands, but the pure wolf would not be inclined to come when called or listen to my commands. His wild instints would call to him and the neighborhood might be up in arms when he started to howl. Though, I would love to hear that long drawn out mournful cry and tonches you deep inside.
I would give him some wild unforgetable name and I would hope we could bond in some fashion. And I would hate it if he had to be caged for it would break his spirit and I would be the one holding him back from being who he was mean't to be. So this idea of a wolf as a pet is just a childish thought, for I could not stand to see a wolf fade away from a broken heart, from not being in the forest and being totally free.
What animal would you choose and what reflections on that pick would you like to add? Please share it here.