This may be a rather odd question :-) but I'm going to ask it anyhow. I don't think that ours can possibly be the only cat on the planet who enjoys watching TV? Have you noticed your cats paying attention to certain programs or types of movements on the TV screen? Our cat used to sit in front of the TV when a few shows or channels were on... The Weather Station, SpongeBob Squarepants, and Dora the Explorer. What a combination!
When we got rid of the cable late last year because no one was watching TV any longer (well at least no humans!) I noticed that the cat often sat there expecting us to turn it on... but there was nothing to see. I bought a video of butterflies as an experiment and sure enough she sits there and watches it when I play it now. There's one certain part of it, caterpillars crawling on leaves, where she always goes right up to the screen and is fixated. That's the only part of the video she'll do that for!
What has your experience with cats and the TV been?