I find it very shocking but in twisted way it does make sense, companies want to make a profit so why not use things like scraps from slaughterhouses or roadkill to reduce costs?
The thing is, if this is going on now, what else are they doing? The melamine contamination scare in milk made in China actually started in pet food. They cut costs by adding melamine into pet food so that the pet food would seem to have a higher protein content when tested in a lab (besides the usual bone meal and rendered animal protein from the sources in the article mentioned above) It was only a matter of time before they decided put it into the human food supply for the same reason.
My only fear is that this practice to use road kill, slaughterhouse waste and euthanized animals would extend to human processed food. If not in the US, then maybe in some Third World countries where people do not have as much choices and as much say as we do.