When I was born my parents had two cats. One was just called "Black Cat" and the other was called "Tigger". When I was three we moved into my parents current house a pond the day we moved in Tigger was let outside by accident and she never made her way back home I'm sure she was killed by a fisher animal of some sort. Black cat favored my mom. She'd hiss at the rest of us. I believe she lived for five more years then had to be put to sleep.
I got my very own grey Kitten when I was ten. I named him Jitterbug. He had big fat double paws like his mother had. All of our cats were outdoor cats. Jitterbug lived for many years, bringing my parents home squirrels and birds, etc. if I peered out my bedroom window and saw him in the field in the distance, he'd run to my window when called.
He'd sometimes go off into the woods for days at a time and then stroll onto the porch demanding food. When I was 20 he went missing for more than a few days and never came home.i don't know if he was killed or another family took him in or what. Our current cat is an indoor cat and we prefer it that way.