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Do you give to animal charities?
08-06-2012, 11:18 AM,
Pocs Offline
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Do you give to animal charities?
Do you donate or volunteer for any animal charities or groups?

I have donated to PETA, money and items as well as participated in several fund raisers.

I also donate to the local animal shelter as much as I can. Cleaning stalls, watering, feeding and loving on the animals.
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08-06-2012, 02:41 PM,
Fishbone Offline


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RE: Do you give to animal charities?
You are aware that PETA is openly against humans having "pets", or animal companions? This its quoted fun their website...

" We at PETA very much lovetheanimalcompanions who share our homes, but we believe that it would have been in theanimals'best interests ifthe institution of "pet keeping"—i.e., breeding animals to be kept and regarded as "pets"—never existed. The international pastime of domesticating animals has created an overpopulation crisis; as a result, millions of unwantedanimals aredestroyedevery year as "surplus."

"This selfish desire to possess animals and receive love from them causes immeasurablesuffering,which results from manipulating their breeding, selling or giving them away casually, and depriving them of theopportunityto engagein their natural behavior. They are restricted to human homes,wheretheymust obey commands and can only eat, drink, and even urinate when humans allow them to. "

That's just the first section, there is more here, so I'm not accused of cutting out only a section...


So, I'd rather my money not go there personally. I thought I would point that out as I think most of the members here are fans of legally being allowed to have animal companions, and I think anyone reading this should know where that money goes, as PETA is a very large organization, and all of the money given to them goes to furthering their goals.
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08-06-2012, 03:58 PM,
Fishbone Offline


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RE: Do you give to animal charities?
After all that, I never answered the actual question. Smile I donate directly to shelters caring for animals, not political lobbyist organizations like PETA & the HSUS. I think irs better to give whatever money I can to someplace that is actually going to use it towards animal care.
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08-09-2012, 03:51 AM,
Pocs Offline
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RE: Do you give to animal charities?
Thanks for the info and the website fishbone! It goes to show you not to listen to others, another thing I should have research throughly myself. I have to say if my local PETA follows these principles they do not actively display them. Probably another tactic to gain funds. I will be more cautious in the further.

Since I dont have buckets of money, most of my animal charity is time volunteered at my local shelters anyways. It kind of make me ill to know I donated money to PETA when it could have been put to better use at the shelter.
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08-09-2012, 04:52 AM,
Fishbone Offline


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RE: Do you give to animal charities?
Well, I'm sure there are members of PETA that don't she with the mentality, but organizationally, that is one of their beliefs. They don't post it all over their ads and sites, because they get allot of donations from pet owners. That's the thing about them that disgusts me, the deceit. The HSUS is the same, lots of lies.
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08-09-2012, 05:27 AM,
Pocs Offline
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RE: Do you give to animal charities?
I was aware of the HSUS. Some of their shelters in my area are the worse around. My daughter volunteers at a local vet/kennel/shelter, although they had nothing to say about PETA. They were a wealth of knowledge for the HSUS. They go above and beyond to avoid dealing with them, even to the point of rescuing animals before the HSUS can get their hands on them.
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08-09-2012, 06:19 AM, (This post was last modified: 08-09-2012, 06:22 AM by Fishbone.)
Fishbone Offline


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RE: Do you give to animal charities?
Well, to add to all this, the HSUS has virtually nothing to do with any humane society shelter. They disassociated with the local shelters years ago. Any money sent to the HSUS in the last 20+ years, less than 1% goes to caring for any animals. It goes towards lobbying for legislation, allot of which seems to be inline with PETA, though this its hard to prove conclusively.

All of the humane societies shelters are independent, that's why you have "humane society of XXX county", or city, tri-state area, or whatever. They have no affiliation with the HSUS. That's not to say yours is necessarily doing a good job. The one here its alright I guess. The do euthanize more animals than most shelters, but they have a tough job, and very limited resources in comparison to the number of strays. And they're financing has gotten worse, since allot more people are becoming aware of the sham that its the HSUS (Humane society of the united states for anyone reading that didn't know.) And people have stopped donating there, thinking they are in on it, when the original sham was people believing that the money they donated after calling the 800 number on a t.v. Ad was going to any animal shelter at all.

Here's an older thread on here with some info on the same topic. I'm trying to stay off my soapbox.


My short point to your last statement was just that the HSUS doesn't operate, fund, or really have anything to do with even one animal shelter in the U.S.
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08-09-2012, 03:38 PM, (This post was last modified: 08-09-2012, 03:39 PM by Pocs.)
Pocs Offline
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RE: Do you give to animal charities?
@ fishbone

You are a wealth of knowledge. Opened my eyes to a lot. The shelter I was referring to is owned by the vet. He belongs to no organization I am aware of. But after our talks I'm going to check that also. You really know your animal rights. Not just the rights but the fine print as well.
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08-10-2012, 05:48 AM, (This post was last modified: 08-10-2012, 05:49 AM by jenb128.)
jenb128 Offline


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RE: Do you give to animal charities?
I stopped giving to PETA and HSUS awhile ago as well, due to the same issues Fishbone mentioned. I mostly stick with local stuff now.

As far as the original question, I volunteer at a wildlife rehabilitation center where I help care for sick and injured wild animals. I mostly work with birds, but I'll sometimes work with small mammals (squirrels, rabbits, opossums) as well. I also have a part-time job at my local animal shelter, but it's incredibly difficult work (both physically and emotionally) for just barely above minimum wage, so it often feels like charity!
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08-10-2012, 12:51 PM,
Fishbone Offline


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RE: Do you give to animal charities?
One day I really should go on some game show like jeopardy, I am full of eclectic information. Of course, that day, the categories would be royal Mongolian weddings of the 13th century & intestinal parasites of arctic whale species. Smile

Really, I'm just a curious person, and anything I get involved with, I like to learn about. I could be one of those people that goes to college for their entire life and enjoy it.
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08-10-2012, 02:56 PM,
Pocs Offline
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RE: Do you give to animal charities?
@fishbone..lol, better start reading up on intestinal parasites of the artic whale, you never know!

I will start digging deeper into things before jumping on the band wagon anymore, that's for sure. I spent the afternoon researching the HSUS. It is the things that other people who had dealings with them that was truly alarming. I tell you, you can't trust anyone. I'll just stick in my own back yard where I know why's really going on.
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08-10-2012, 03:48 PM,
Fishbone Offline


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RE: Do you give to animal charities?
Well, let me just say, and I'm certainly not defending the HSUS, I'm obviously on record as vehemently opposed to their existence, but there are so many people passionately opposed to them, that there is a fair amount of dishonest, or modified, information out there against them too. That's what makes the whole thing so much of a headache.
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08-10-2012, 11:49 PM,
pugskjj Offline
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RE: Do you give to animal charities?
I don't give money to animal charities, being on a fixed income makes it hard to give anyone money (even the bill collectors). I do however donate treats if I buy some that my dogs don't like; gently used toys or blankets; and my time when I can get to a shelter.
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08-29-2012, 05:57 AM,
Jessi Offline
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RE: Do you give to animal charities?
I do. I don't do it nearly as much now as I used to because my funds are much tighter now. I used to be a member of the ASPCA, though, and would send money regularly, along with dropping change into any collection containers I saw.
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08-30-2012, 05:07 AM,
jester23 Offline
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RE: Do you give to animal charities?
This is something I should look into getting into, if there is any that anyone knows about could you possibly send them my way. I'm interested to know more about this topic and need to know if there are any websites that are available for donations.
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08-31-2012, 05:19 AM,
andrew320 Offline


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RE: Do you give to animal charities?
I donate it to them. I write for one publication where you're given the option of donating the earnings from your articles to any charity of your choice. I have several articles that do well and they get donated to three charities, especially the ones to help dogs become seeing eye dogs.
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08-31-2012, 06:17 PM,
Victor Leigh Offline


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RE: Do you give to animal charities?
No, I haven't donated to any animal charities except one.

This one is a home for abandoned cats and dogs which is managed by my vet. He and his wife are real softies when it comes to cats and dogs. I have even encountered a case where an old blind dog was brought to the vet to be put to sleep and the vet ended up taking over looking after the dog.

Now he has bought a piece of land and put up a building for the cats and dogs. He also pays for the staff to look after them. There is a little donation box on his desk. I put something in it whenever I can because I know this vet is a confirmed no-kill animal lover.
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09-02-2012, 03:02 PM,
prawn_86 Offline

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RE: Do you give to animal charities?
When we travelled through South America we spent to weeks working at an animal rescue/zoo, which was an amazing experience. OUtside of that we have fostered for cats in the past, but as to donating money directly, no we don't tend to give to animal charities
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09-02-2012, 10:09 PM,
Ram Offline
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RE: Do you give to animal charities?
If you really have extra money to go around, then it might be a better idea to adopt a few more homeless pets from the shelters.
If you absolutely want to donate some cash, maybe send it to some no-killing shelters. I personally believe working as volunteer at animal shelters is a better way to help with the cause. So is spending some time on the pet forums to educate people about how to take care of their animals correctly.
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12-04-2012, 03:52 AM,
Molly Offline
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RE: Do you give to animal charities?
I do give to the Humane Society when I can. I have also volunteered and helped out at a wild life refuge and a kitty rescue center. These local animal charities, I think, do more good for the local communities. And they do need volunteers. Volunteering is a great way to support charities if on a tight budget.
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12-08-2012, 03:04 PM, (This post was last modified: 12-08-2012, 03:05 PM by SweetBeast.)
SweetBeast Offline
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RE: Do you give to animal charities?
In years past, I donated far more than I should have, financially speaking as I went into debt, & thanks to a debt management program I was out in 3 years of a 5 year plan. So now on a fixed, disability income, I can rarely donate funds, but I gather & donate blankets, towels, rugs, sheets, toys to the local shelters & do a lot of work on http://www.Care2.com, under the animal tabs.
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08-03-2014, 03:17 AM,
JudyCap Offline
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RE: Do you give to animal charities?
I personally do not donate to any of the animal causes. It is not because I don't want to~ it is because I can not afford to. I barley scrape enough together to take care of my little dog and cat.

My Son in Law and Daughter donate enough for the whole family. They couldn't have children, so their dogs all 9 of them are their "kids" They also bring my animals food and treats all of which is appreciated very much! They don't just bring pet food. They bring Mom food, stuff they know I probably would not buy for myself. It sure helps on my grocery bill. I may not have much, but I am not going to starve that is for sure Exclamation
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08-11-2014, 07:00 PM,
WonkyBear Offline

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RE: Do you give to animal charities?
Money is tight all over I know and it does make it hard to carry on giving but I try to renew my membership to the shelter where I got my dog from and buy their raffle tickets each year. They also run a calender scheme featuring animals from the home and I buy at least one of these.

I have given regularly to other charities in the past but that's not so easy nowadays. Have thought about maybe taking on some fundraising activity rather than just giving so will see what opportunities there are for that.
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09-07-2014, 11:06 AM,
Happyflowerlady Offline


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RE: Do you give to animal charities?
I have not donated to any shelters, at least willingly. We had one HS when I lived in Spokane, and they would look for the dogs that would re-sell easily, and those were the dogs that they picked up. They would drive right on down the street if it was just a plain dog or a scruffy looking one, but when they saw a pretty one, then they caught that one and hauled it off.
We had a beautiful blue merle Aussie/Samoyed, and he was my daughter's best friend, and went with her every where. When she got off of the school bus, Casey would run out to meet her, happily jump the fence, and then they would walk back to the house together.
The HS saw Casey doing that , so they sat and waited (he stayed in the yard except to go with Robin), and when he went out to meet her, they grabbed him, left my little girl standing there crying heartbrokenly, and hauled Casey off to cage and re-sell him.
We had to borrow the money to be able to rescue him before he was sold, and then pay it back on payday.
After that, I just have not wanted to help and kind of an agency that is supposed to help animals.
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09-13-2014, 08:16 PM,
helaofthenorns Offline
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RE: Do you give to animal charities?
I support two charities here in my country. I do not give to PETA though. Their campaigns are too extreme for me with some way too unreasonable. Anyway, the animal welfare groups I support are champions of animal rights here. They run an animal shelter for dogs and cats that they rescued from abuse or just strays that need a forever home. I once volunteered for them, but because my work demands so much of my time, I just give monetary and pet food donations.

Aside from these two groups, I also am a member of animal rights groups on Facebook. I actually got my cats from postings of fellow members there.
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