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Does Your Cat Know When You're Sick?
05-14-2013, 05:53 AM, (This post was last modified: 05-14-2013, 06:04 AM by mariposa.)
mariposa Offline
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Thumbs Up  Does Your Cat Know When You're Sick?
Have you noticed that your cat (or dog if you don't have a cat) is very good with tuning into your emotions? I've noticed this basically since we got our cat and that was 9 years ago. She just seems to know when someone in the family isn't feeling well and she comes to sit with the sick person and is always close-by.

Is there anything else that your cat seems to uncannily pick up on besides those times when someone in the family isn't feeling well? Maybe when there's excitement about a birthday or upcoming trip? A holiday?

I truly believe that our feline baby is picking up on a lot more than I ever realized. Anyone else? Gen068
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05-29-2013, 05:40 PM,
cmdr-apollo Offline
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RE: Does Your Cat Know When You're Sick?
I don't have a cat anymore, but my parents cats do this!
When my mother has a migraine, her fat orange cat lays right on her pillow with his side wrapped around the top of her head. He doesn't do this any other time. It's the sweetest thing! When she feels sick to her stomach or has cramps, all three of her cats lay with her, closer than normal. Non-cat owners don't believe this is possible but I've witnessed it myself with many people and their cats. My dogs also do this with me and my husband, but one dog is particularly sensitive to my anxiety and depression. Animals are so extraordinary and loving, I can't help but smile just imagining it.
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06-01-2013, 04:57 PM,
maelstrom Offline
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RE: Does Your Cat Know When You're Sick?
My cat'll hang around you and never let you leave her sight if you're not feeling well. She'll follow you and make sure your okay. It's very comforting, actually, unless you've got a serious case of the runs and enjoy privacy while you *ahem* "take care of business". I know that when you're feeling upset and crying she'll always be there, purring as loud as she can (which isn't very loud) and rubbing you so that you can love her.

From what I've heard and read this is actually a very common phenomenon among many pets, like dogs and cats. They somehow seem to know if you're sick, or in physical or mental distress. For instance, there have been many cases of dogs knowing someone is about to have a seizure before they actually have one, and taking them to a safe place to have it. I'd like to know how and why they do this.
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12-09-2013, 05:57 PM,
Excellence Offline

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RE: Does Your Cat Know When You're Sick?
I've been telling my friends and family for the longest time now that my cat is in tune with my emotions and wellness. The non-pet owners shrug their shoulders and sometimes do an eye-roll but my friends who love pets get it!! Recently, I was very sick and hospitalized for about a week. This was a very random experience for me and my cat has never really seen me in this state. The entire time I was out of work and agonizing in pain, my precious kitty sat by my side and stared at me as though she knew I was not myself and wanted to help. Every once in awhile, she would rub her head against mine, almost marking her territory. This is something she ordinarily does not do and has not since my recovery. It's as though she just has a sixth sense to instinctively know that something wasn't right.
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12-12-2013, 11:05 AM,
amy005 Offline
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RE: Does Your Cat Know When You're Sick?
I don't know if my cat knows when I'm sick but when I was pregnant the cat that I had at that time seemed to know that I was pregnant. She always would cuddle up next to my tummy lol. It was nice but she seemed really jealous when the baby actually came. I'm sure cats probably know when we are sick too. They are good at picking up on things like that.
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12-27-2013, 04:46 PM,
tierapatt50 Offline
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RE: Does Your Cat Know When You're Sick?
My cat and my dog both know when I am sick because they notice that I am not the same playful me that I usually am. Dogs and cats are very intuitive so they know my dog cares and stays by my side and gives me friendly licks here and there, but my cat do not care so much she will go on with her life.
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05-08-2015, 06:48 AM,
Carrie T Offline

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RE: Does Your Cat Know When You're Sick?
I suffered a stroke a few years ago at the age of 34. Fortunately, the blood clot passed and I survived. However, I convinced myself that day that it was just the worst migraine of my life. My 14 year old calico, Sushi, knew better. She clung to my side the entire day, even when I got off the couch to get a drink, she came with me. She laid as close to my head as possible. I didn't realize it at the time, but she knew that something was definitely wrong and it was as if she was trying to signal something to me. After a few days in the hospital I came home too my girl and she rested beside me during my recovery. I would have never believed that cats know something is up, even if I didn't, until this. I will always love my girl for her unconditional love!
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05-08-2015, 08:41 AM,
Bloomsie Offline
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RE: Does Your Cat Know When You're Sick?
I truly do believe that my cat can definitely tell when I am sick or emotionally drained. Almost always when I am relaxing myself, he's always around to cuddle and rest with me. But naturally, when I am not sick or mentally drained, he hardly cuddles! (He's not necessarily a cuddly cat!) So I definitely agree that cats do know when you are sick.

There has been times where I've been in so much pain from being sick or other health issues and my cat would run from downstairs and immediately come upstairs to cuddle with me. Especially when I complain to myself that I can't do something. It's almost like he thinks that he is the answer to all of my problems -- which obviously he is!
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05-29-2015, 09:10 AM,
Shihtzufan Offline
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RE: Does Your Cat Know When You're Sick?
I believe my cat knows when I'm sick without a doubt. I get terrible migraine headaches fairly often, and when I do I'm basically confined to bed - I have to make the room super dark, have no noise, and so forth. Now, my cat on a typical day is pretty hyperactive -- he's always running around the house, playing with our dog, and just generally causing mischief! However, on every single occasion that one of my horrible migraines has hit, he's been so calm and well behaved. He usually jumps onto my bed and just lays by my feet, as if to say "I'm here if you need company, but I know you're not feeling well so I am on my best behavior!"

He was also super caring and affectionate back when I was pregnant and had terrible morning sickness - so I absolutely believe they are aware when you're not feeling your best!
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05-29-2015, 02:50 PM,
kfander Offline


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RE: Does Your Cat Know When You're Sick?
I think they know, but I'm not sure that they care. I was sick a lot this last winter, including a case of the flu that wouldn't go away. During that time, I stayed upstairs in bed most of the time, although I still had to work from home on my computer. My young cat, Ella, who was just over a year old, hardly left my bed long enough to eat and use the litter box. Whether she was being thoughtful and concerned, or simply lazy enough to find lying in bed all day to tempting, I don't know, but I'll give her the benefit of the doubt. I also have two twenty-five year old sisters, who have been with me since they were born. They are Cutie and Lydia. While I was in bed, Cutie would come up often, sometimes lying with me for a while, but she was more interested in trying to get me to get up so that I could come downstairs with her, since she prefers to hang out with me in my office. Was there concern there? Perhaps, but it was more of the "get your lazy butt out of bed and come downstairs where you belong" kind of concern. In other words, she noticed that I was still in bed but I don't think she realized that I was feeling badly. Lydia never once visited me.
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06-05-2015, 06:11 PM,
SarahWorksAtHome Offline
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RE: Does Your Cat Know When You're Sick?
My cat that I have now isn't at all like that. She's a wild child.
The cat that I had growing up was somewhat like that and was very chill when I had my migraines and when I was home sick from school would lay at my feet.
Now, I did have a cat from the time I was about seventeen until I went through my divorce (she went with her "dad") and she was very intuitive. She knew I was pregnant with my daughter before I did, I swear it. She always laid on my tummy in the bed and in the recliner and kneaded my tummy often. Suddenly she stopped and would only lay by my feet or head and was very calm around me. About three weeks after that started, I found out I was expecting. She stayed like that my entire pregnancy and then stayed at my daughter's side while she was an infant. She never got in her crib or anything, just laid beside it until she cried then meowed until I got in there. It was the sweetest thing and I really miss her.
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06-12-2015, 01:10 AM,
Jelly Offline
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RE: Does Your Cat Know When You're Sick?
Adorable are the cats.. Much love to them..

My cat always senses when I'm more on bed and less active for the reason of some depression or other sickness. Never feel alone in her presence HeartHeartHeart
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