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Horse Prankster
06-12-2012, 01:01 PM,
TreeClimber Offline


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Horse Prankster
I haven't really been around many horses in my life, so I don't know their behavior very well. My niece has a horse now and he seems like such a clown.

They have a water holder hooked to a hose. The horse likes to knock it loose. He does it deliberately not be accident.

The other day he knocked it loose and they were trying to fix it. Water was spraying everywhere. As my sister-in-law tried to get it hooked back up, the horse kept pushing her into the water.

Was he teasing her? Are horses playful? Or, was she in his way?
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06-12-2012, 10:38 PM,
tajnz Offline
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RE: Horse Prankster
I haven't been around horses in a few years. However I grew up around stables as a youngster as I took show jumping and dressage classes. Horses are just like humans they all have very unique personalities. It really depends on the horse. It could be playful or annoyed. The best way to tell which is to assess its personality apart from that one incident. Is the horse particularly playful?
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06-16-2012, 04:15 AM,
Ram Offline
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RE: Horse Prankster
Different horses can have different personality. Some horses are more playful than others. Some horses are more submissive than others. Some horses are very wild.

In the case you mentioned, I believe the horse was just trying to play. After all, he didn't get to watch TV, he didn't get to use the internet. They can get bored lol. Now all he can do is to knock that hose loose. Spraying water might look fun to him, especially when it spray at a person. Big Grin
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06-16-2012, 01:25 PM,
TreeClimber Offline


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RE: Horse Prankster
Tajnz, this horse is playful. He has bonded with my niece. He's always nuzzling her, knocking her in the head from behind, and rubbing against her. He loves being around her and follows her around.

Ram, the reason they had to fix the hose was because the horse did knock it loose. It seems to be one of the ways he entertains himself. LOL
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06-16-2012, 04:08 PM,
Victor Leigh Offline


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RE: Horse Prankster
This thing about a horse being playful is interesting. I have this feeling that I would like to get to know horses better but, where I used to live, horses are not very common. There's one place where there are some horses just down the road. And there is a small food stall just across the road. Very often, in the evenings, I would go and have a snack and drink at the stall just to be able to watch the horses.

Just curious. Do horses bite? And if they do, is it bad?
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06-17-2012, 12:48 PM,
TreeClimber Offline


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RE: Horse Prankster
I learned that the horse is the one who opens the barn door, too. When he gets out, he eats all the chicken feed. He is a typical teenager, I think!

Victor, I have not been around horses much either. I lived in the suburbs all my life. Not much room for horses here. I believe they bite, but most are gentle about it. They nibble at you from what my niece says. I may be wrong, but there is more danger from their hooves (if they rear up) than their teeth. e
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06-17-2012, 07:57 PM,
Victor Leigh Offline


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RE: Horse Prankster
Yes, flailing hooves do look somewhat threatening but I suppose that's because we are not used to horses. Just as snarling dogs look very threatening to people who are not familiar with dogs but for people who know how to handle dogs, snarling dogs are not that frightening.
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06-19-2012, 05:52 AM,
laurasav Offline


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RE: Horse Prankster
The stories of this playful horse are so amusing. I don't have much personal experience with horses. There was a horse that lived behind the elementary school I went to. We'd take it apples and sugar cubes sometimes during recess. My cousin's wife has horses. Her favorite one threw her, breaking her back, right when she had signed on to becoming a partner in a surgeon's office! So that was a bummer. She's okay now, thankfully. My chiropractor owns a couple horses. Next time I go see her, I'll have to ask if she has any funny stories to tell.
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03-27-2013, 09:58 AM,
4sweed Offline


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RE: Horse Prankster
My uncle had a pony that was full of fun. He would drink the barn cats milk and eat the dog food out of the barrel it was kept in. He liked cats and allowed them to have their kittens in his hay manager. But you had to be careful if you stepped behind him, as he would kick out with both hind legs. He was fun to ride, but also liked to dump us off in the mud. Then stand by and laugh. Well, it always seemed that he had a smile on his face, after we were covered in mud.
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04-08-2013, 10:00 AM,
mora2000 Offline
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RE: Horse Prankster
I own a horse and lease one. Horses in my barn will knock their grain buckets, including my horse. I think it's a play thing.
Crazy horse person with other animals!

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04-17-2013, 06:47 AM,
TreeClimber Offline


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RE: Horse Prankster
This horse clearly likes it when humans get wet. He repeatedly knocks the hose off his water fountain thing only when people are nearby. There is also another water container in the yard that he will knock over only when someone is standing there.

He is mischievous. They have to watch him as he will open fences and doors. There is a chicken coop. Sometimes he lets out the chickens.

He's very funny too. He likes having his picture taken and is attached to my niece. I have some funny photos of them making the same face. It's a riot!

He has a "daughter" now. The horse is a just about a year old. She is the same kind of prankster. I think she is learning from her father. The mother doesn't get into trouble.
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05-25-2013, 02:45 PM,
nafretiti Offline
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RE: Horse Prankster
The horse you mentioned here just seems quite playful,I used to own horses a while ago and they do develop their own personalities. There are a ton of measures you can take to keep a horse from being bored as well,you can get these large balls for the horses to knock around and kick at and it keeps them entertained. There are a ton of other things you can do with them as well so that they do not get bored,even having another horse can help with that,but you still need to go out and pay attention to them. Brushing the horse and talking to them each and every day will help with the boredom as well,and it can be soothing for both you and the giant loveable animal. Horses can be fun and even funnier when they pull pranks like this one did,their good for a great laugh.Big Grin
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06-06-2013, 11:51 AM,
TreeClimber Offline


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RE: Horse Prankster
Nafretiti, yes, Simon is playful. They do have the balls that you mentioned. They also have a hanging thing that holds apples. They also have some other toys for him to play with. He enjoys the toys very much, but seems to get a laugh out of turning the water hose on the humans.

He has a daughter, too, who is just about a year old. She appears to be a prankster too. The mother is not this way.
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08-01-2013, 03:00 PM,
Happyflowerlady Offline


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RE: Horse Prankster
Horses are a lot like people , in that they have very distinct personalities . Some are totally serious, ad others are jokesters. It sounds like Simon is one of those.
I used to have a white Arabian that was a prankster. He would take the halter off the other horse, and then clang it on the metal gate to show me that he had Goldie's halter. When he saw me come out of the hisses to see what all the noise was, he hung his head over the gate and waved the halter at me.
He was like a kid, always looking for attention. One day, I forgot my jacket on the fence post, and he found it and was chasing poor Goldie around the pasture, waving the jacket at her as he ran with it in his teeth.
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08-18-2013, 03:21 PM,
alycat32 Offline
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RE: Horse Prankster
My cousin was married to a woman who worked at a stable and gave horse back riding lessons. Some of the horses were skid dish but one used to be such a little trouble maker. He was I think what they call an Arab Pinto. He was a beautiful horse. Every time my cousins wife would bend over, he'd nip at her pockets. Every time she set down a bucket, he'd kick it.
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08-19-2013, 02:36 AM,
Millenia Offline

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RE: Horse Prankster
My son's horse is also a prankster. He will steal tools if you give him the chance. In high school, my son clicker trained him and taught him to fetch, things like buckets, a dumbbell, etc.

He also learned how to turn on the water. We had to entirely remove the spigot because he wouldn't leave it alone.
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