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How often do snakes poop ?
07-30-2012, 07:08 AM,
Ram Offline
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How often do snakes poop ?
Snakes poop, that is for sure. Tongue The question is how often?
Since snakes do not eat that often, and they digest extremely slow, sometimes it can take them weeks to digest a full meal. How often do they poop?

It is understandable that it might depend on how often the snakes eat. How many times do they have to poop after each full meal?
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07-30-2012, 10:12 AM,
Fishbone Offline


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RE: How often do snakes poop ?
Well, as a general rule I wouldn't say all snakes digest extremely slowly, all species of snakes have different metabolisms. As for what I have here, the carpet pythons have very fast metabolisms, and the emerald tree boas are on the other end of the spectrum. Temperature also pays a big part in the process, as will as age and they actual prey eaten.

I would say on average most snakes will defecate once for every meal they eat, which could take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks. Probably 5-7 days in most cases if the snake is healthy and kept in optimum conditions.

That being said, there are certain species that have different needs. Emeralds tree boas have a much slower digestive process, the typical rule of thumb is to make sure they defecate after every third meal. If not its best to encourage them to eliminate by either soaking or spraying them down. A few people have gone so far as to build "rain chambers" to help with this.
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07-31-2012, 01:51 AM,
Ram Offline
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RE: How often do snakes poop ?
The snakes digest slow by our human standards. Wink I can't go without eating again after just 4~5 hours from the last meal.

From what you have said, I assume most snakes have no trouble to defecate? Once they have done it, is it the sign that they are hungry again and need to be fed soon?
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07-31-2012, 02:32 PM,
Fishbone Offline


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RE: How often do snakes poop ?
We'll take that as two questions.

Most healthy snakes have no problem defecating. There are many factors involved in this though, including hydration and exercise. Some of the arboreal species, which have slower natural metabolisms, and higher humidity needs, can also become very complaisant when all of their other needs are met, meaning they don't move around as much. This can actually cause problems with any species. Soaking most reptiles in lukewarm water helps them defecate, so that is the main practice recommended if there are problems.

As far as acting hungry, that truly depends on the exact species once again. Most snakes are opportunistic predators, and will eat food whenever it presents itself, because they may not eat again for months. I don't think they experience hunger in any way that we would recognize. So a healthy captive snake may appear "hungry", or in hunting mode, right after eating. Because that is natural for them. Eventually, some snakes will learn that you are going to feed them again in 7 days, 10 days, 14 days, whatever, and get used to that schedule.
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