This is one of the funniest videos I've seen in a long time. The parrot is singing "Let The Bodies Hit The Floor" by Drowning Pool. It does a really great job. It's just too funny how it sings, "nothing wrong with three" instead of "nothing wrong with me" though!
I like the parrot's version the best! 
I've been playing this video over and over so my parrots can learn this song. It just cracks me up! Salvador, my Eclectus, is not interested in this one at all. He likes simple little kid's songs like "Old McDonald," "Sponge Bob Square Pants" theme song and "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star." My little Quaker parrot loves this song and is trying to learn it though. It's hilarious listening to him get all excited and try to sing along with what he thinks he can contribute with his little repertoire so far!