(10-08-2012, 01:07 PM)Thor Wrote: You guys just reminded me of Manda's new snake. Swimming in his own little pool all day with feces in there. Wash your hands, Manda.
Personally I think the ban is stupid. We don't see a problem with salmonella in other countries where there is no such ban.
I don't ever recall putting stuff into my mouth when I was a kid either. It is really not a common trait of kids, it just happens with some of them.
I agree it is stupid. The problem is a lack of parenting. But, pointless laws are a way of life in the U.S., lol. I'm actually from the generation of kids that caused that law to go into effect. You could buy these tiny green turtles cheap almost anywhere, and they sold these little, trays I guess you would call them, to keep them in. Kinda like this
It was a tiny amount of water, and normally was put in a childs room, rarely cleaned enough, and even less likely to be cleaned properly and disinfected. So the little bowls were rampant with salmonella. You wouldn't even have to put it in your mouth, just touch the bowl, not wash your hands, eat a sandwich, and bam, salmonella. So they just banned the turtles under 4". Not only was it to keep kids from putting them in their mouths, but you had to by a bigger tank, it was a larger investment, and you couldn't get the turtle and everything needed for it for under $15 to shut a kid up and have it fit neatly on the end of a dresser in the childs room.