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Tips on how to take care of Red Eared Slider Turtle
06-22-2013, 02:04 PM, (This post was last modified: 06-22-2013, 02:13 PM by Keyster.)
Keyster Offline

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Question  Tips on how to take care of Red Eared Slider Turtle
My mom bought me A Red Eared Slider turtle,the thing is i don't even know how to take care of it all i do is just feed And Clean her water and her shell,
is there any pro turtle keeper out there please give me some tips on how to take care of them.

BTW How high the water is supposed to be in the aquarium.
What Am I going to do When my Turtle lays an egg??

Sorry for the questions I'm Just 14 and i'm new to this turtle thing

EDIT:i'm going to take some picture for you guys she's cute Big Grin
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06-22-2013, 07:52 PM,
Ram Offline
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RE: Tips on how to take car of Red Eared Slider Turtle
Hi keyster,
I have had a turtle for years when I was a kid. Not sure which exact species it was, but it's a turtle. Big Grin

The water level I had was slightly higher than the turtle itself. So the turtle is completely submerged. Very often my turtle would keep its head above the water to breath the air. I'd imagine that would be harder to do if the water was deeper.

How big is your aquarium?
To think about it now, I believe it is a better idea to use the substrate to create a natural lake like landscape in the aquarium. So the turtle has the choice to stay in the water or come to the "shore". Of course, you need a pretty big aquarium for that.

Do you have a filter?

I did not have a filter for my turtle when I was a kid. But these days I have learned it is wrong not to have a filter. Most live organisms produce ammonia, and it is toxic. You need to pick a filter and have it run 24/7 to keep ammonia at 0ppm. You can see the article here,

As for eggs, don't worry about it since your turtle can't reproduce without a male friend. Wink
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06-23-2013, 12:17 AM, (This post was last modified: 06-23-2013, 12:59 AM by Keyster.)
Keyster Offline

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RE: Tips on how to take car of Red Eared Slider Turtle
(06-22-2013, 07:52 PM)Ram Wrote: Hi keyster,
I have had a turtle for years when I was a kid. Not sure which exact species it was, but it's a turtle. Big Grin

The water level I had was slightly higher than the turtle itself. So the turtle is completely submerged. Very often my turtle would keep its head above the water to breath the air. I'd imagine that would be harder to do if the water was deeper.

How big is your aquarium?
To think about it now, I believe it is a better idea to use the substrate to create a natural lake like landscape in the aquarium. So the turtle has the choice to stay in the water or come to the "shore". Of course, you need a pretty big aquarium for that.

Is A Red Eared Slider A water turtle?..
Do you have a filter?

I did not have a filter for my turtle when I was a kid. But these days I have learned it is wrong not to have a filter. Most live organisms produce ammonia, and it is toxic. You need to pick a filter and have it run 24/7 to keep ammonia at 0ppm. You can see the article here,

As for eggs, don't worry about it since your turtle can't reproduce without a male friend. Wink
I Did Raise the water level slightly higher than the turtle but my mom said that would make the turtle's shell soft so i lowered it a bit.

My aquarium is 10 gallons i have put a rock on the half of the aquarium so if the turtle want to breathe they just go above the rocks. no i dont have a filter cuz the water level is too low.

I have 2 Red Eared Slider now they are both Female the shop doesn't Have a male Turtle Gen068

Oh And do you know on how often i should feed my turtles??..
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06-23-2013, 02:50 AM,
Keyster Offline

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RE: Tips on how to take car of Red Eared Slider Turtle
[Image: 8o4ix181xb82d5k4g.jpg]
[Image: 1iml17d4sb4xmpf4g.jpg]
[Image: k7kws6y44x3fmgf4g.jpg]
here is the picture of the first turtle i bought the other one is bigger you can see through the aquarium..
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06-24-2013, 02:35 AM,
Thor Offline


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RE: Tips on how to take car of Red Eared Slider Turtle
Thanks for sharing the photos. Cute little turtle you have there. Smile

I am no turtle expert, but I looked around for you. Most sources say that baby red eared slider turtle needs to be fed several times every day. While the adult red eared slider turtles only need to be fed once every 2 to 3 days.

What are you feeding them with?
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07-02-2013, 03:53 AM,
Keyster Offline

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RE: Tips on how to take car of Red Eared Slider Turtle
(06-24-2013, 02:35 AM)Thor Wrote: Thanks for sharing the photos. Cute little turtle you have there. Smile

I am no turtle expert, but I looked around for you. Most sources say that baby red eared slider turtle needs to be fed several times every day. While the adult red eared slider turtles only need to be fed once every 2 to 3 days.

What are you feeding them with?

I am feeding them with Sanyu turtle stick
[Image: jr26yjh6y50wpjd4g.jpg]
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