What one food do you and your pooch share while snacking?
Cheese Puffs. It's really the only thing they both enjoy. It's not a daily thing, but we really love them. I'm not sure if it's the cheese flavor or the crunchy sounds they make, but when they see the bag, it's all free for all!
RE: What one food do you and your pooch share while snacking?
We have two cats. One absolutely hates human food, except butter, and the other one loves human food. The one cat we let lick a little bit of butter and the other one we give a little bit of cheese.
When I had a dog, my pooch and I would share a fry.
RE: What one food do you and your pooch share while snacking?
I try not to give my dog people food since she is only 10 lbs. A little extra food in her day can make her gain weight easily.
Sometimes she gives me those sad eyes, so I'll give her something healthy. At lunch time, I share a couple of carrots with her, which she loves (broccoli, too!). Then, at snack time, I put a couple of pieces of my rice cake aside for her. They are plain, so I figure they can't affect her weight too much.