(03-12-2014, 12:52 AM)TheBrit Wrote: Your goldfish died of white spot and unless you treat the shubunkin with a proprietary white spot remedy quickly it to will die.
White spot (or Ick) as it is called is a stress related problem, endemic to coldwater, tropical and marine fish.
The move from shop to tank can set it off, the fact your tank is still very new with less than optimum water quality probably exasperated the problem.
Once the tank is treated, (Ick treatment is usually copper based) the fish should recover. It would be a good idea to treat the whole tank prophylacticly with a good white spot treatment whenever you introduce new fish, to ensure they remain free of this most common of all fish deseases.
Nowhere in his post mentioned white spot. Ich also does not kill fish that fast. It usually takes weeks versus his "3 days".
Besides, the white spot disease (ick or ich) is a contagious parasite. There is always a source for it (for example: from a new fish which already carry the parasite in the tank from pet shop). No amount of stress will create a new parasite species out of thin air. Nor the parasite will just go away if the aquarium condition is excellent. Parasite is a parasite, it will reproduce and infect the whole tank from just a few of them. If there is none to begin with, it will probably take millions of years to recreate them through evolution even if you know how.
The last thing a weak fish needs is to use copper based "copper safe" for no reason. Coppersafe is not safe at all. It is very hard on fish. Even healthy fish might be killed by such medication. Use any kind of medication on the first sign of trouble is a very bad decision. Many of the "troubles" are in fact the result of unfavorable aquarium conditions rather than diseases or parasites.
The bottom line is,
1. There is no clear sign of disease.
2. There is no reason to use any medication.
3. Please do not make up "white spot" out of thin air. Your understanding of ick is also quite off. Sorry, no offense.