Absolutely. First, any captive born animals see humans from day one, and can get past the "human as predator" mode quickly. And then, the snakes that tend to be friendlier, for whatever reason, tend to be liked, and bred more, so whatever genetics are in that snake that lead to that tendancy are passed on. This could be a trait that would be detrimental in the wild. That said, there are certain species that are fairly tame right out of the wild. I had a wild caught suriname red tailed boa, Boa constrictor constrictor, for years that was baby tame from the time I got him, which was less than two months from time of import. And I have seen many that are like that. There are also animals that are the complete opposite, northern emerald tree boas, corallus caninus, can be absolute hell on earth as imports, and as the latin name implies, have the scariest teeth I have ever seen on a snake.