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The most sociable reptile pets beside bearded dragon
05-06-2012, 03:56 AM,
Ram Offline
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The most sociable reptile pets beside bearded dragon
I have heard of the stories that bearded dragon as a pet really like human attention. What are some other the most sociable reptile pets? How sociable are they compare to bearded dragon?

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05-07-2012, 10:28 AM,
Mantis Offline
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RE: The most sociable reptile pets beside bearded dragon
Indeed, most discussions I've seen about this have involved experienced reptile owners recommending bearded dragons for "friendliness". In fact, I was exploring this topic myself since I have considered getting my own reptile and I'd want it to be friendly. After much contemplation, I came to a conclusion! I will book tickets to visit Indonesia and get myself a Komodo Dragon! Smilie_sn

Awwww, gizza hug!

On a serious note though, I've heard a few things about these geckos being very good first choices. Bearded dragons are supposed to be friendly, yes, but they don't always get along with other bearded dragons. On the other hand, these get along with others of their kind.

Hmm, they're very cute. It makes me wonder whether I should get a bearded dragon eventually or one (two?) of these.
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05-07-2012, 03:09 PM,
Fishbone Offline


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RE: The most sociable reptile pets beside bearded dragon
I actually have to say, I never was a gecko guy, and I basically rescued the three leos I have, and they are very damn cute and friendly. In a little over a week now the two babies I have are already friendly. They both have eaten out of my hand.

Most lizard species are very sociable. But it does entirely depend on the way they are treated and how often someone interacts with them. Even the leos. Almost all of them are like pit bulls. Only most of them are without the ability to kill. If taken care of and loved they all can be the most loving and sociable creatures on the planet. If they are left alone in a tank and just have food thrown at them, not so much. I have taken in beardies that are hell spawn. It's not the dragon's fault, they just aren't cared for and interacted with. Therefore not very social. I could say the same for green iguanas, Savannah monitors, & Chinese water dragons. You ill get more out of them than you put into them.

But as for species that lean toward being very social, leos, red tegus and Argentine black and white tegus, and green iguanas would be the top of my list.
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05-08-2012, 10:30 PM,
Ram Offline
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RE: The most sociable reptile pets beside bearded dragon
When I searched around, it seems leopard gecko is one of the most popular reptile pets around along side of bearded dragon and ball python. They are cool looking too with their patten.

Have you had any of the other lizards you mentioned on the list?
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05-09-2012, 05:10 AM,
lhins Offline
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RE: The most sociable reptile pets beside bearded dragon
I love the komodo dragon video, it's often surprising how reptiles like komodo dragons, crocodiles, and alligators can run at high speeds while their common methods of crawling are so slow. I would like to own a bearded dragon myself someday. I hear they do make great pets, but I would keep only one.
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05-09-2012, 09:11 AM,
Mantis Offline
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RE: The most sociable reptile pets beside bearded dragon
Yes, I was quite surprised myself when I watched the video. Smile
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06-04-2012, 07:05 AM,
purplecapricorn Offline
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RE: The most sociable reptile pets beside bearded dragon
I have to say it would be a redtail boa. Although I am rather partial to them as I've had surinames over the years. They are very personable, and sweet. We have many types of pythons and have kept other types of boas. But the surinames have been my favorite and also my kids favorite. They aren't a high maintenance snake and are very calm and easy going. The baby we have now actually comes to the front of his cage when he sees you, and if he could talk he would probably beg to be taken out. Of all the reptiles in the house, geckos, beardies, snakes, and tegus, he is my favorite!
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07-11-2012, 12:04 AM,
pugskjj Offline
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RE: The most sociable reptile pets beside bearded dragon
I have to agree with the dragon being very sociable, mine loves attention and will come running to the edge of the aquarium when I enter her room. But my iguana, surprisingly, is even more sociable that her. His name is Scar and he is of unknown age (I rescued him) and he actually has escaped his room and crawled into bed with me...I woke up to him staring at me from my other pillow Dodgy

[Image: 577619_10100880088243022_447103283_n.jpg]And here you can see him trying to get the passing cars to pay attention to him Rofl
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07-11-2012, 02:50 PM, (This post was last modified: 07-11-2012, 02:50 PM by Ram.)
Ram Offline
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RE: The most sociable reptile pets beside bearded dragon
@ pugskjj

Your lizard friend has "chicken claw" like feet.

Do you take him for a ride often?
Don't let him scare the driver next lane. Big Grin
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07-12-2012, 11:24 AM,
purplecapricorn Offline
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RE: The most sociable reptile pets beside bearded dragon
This is for mantis.. Komodo dragons rock
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07-12-2012, 11:57 PM,
pugskjj Offline
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RE: The most sociable reptile pets beside bearded dragon
LOL Ram, he doesn't go for rides often that was his ride home with me for the first time and I travel mostly by scooter thanks to gas prices (and the fact that I'm not allowed to drive lol) and he doesn't fit well there although I have considered it!!
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07-14-2012, 07:03 AM,
thetit4n Offline
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RE: The most sociable reptile pets beside bearded dragon
I think that Geckos are pretty sociable. I had a friend that had like 10 of them in his house and they actually were very interested in what we were doing all of the time.
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07-31-2012, 02:27 PM,
ArmyOfDreams Offline
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RE: The most sociable reptile pets beside bearded dragon
Alligators are more social and intelligent than given credit for, I think, but certainly are not in the category of "pet friendly" by any means, haha. They definitely have personalities and quirks to love (or not love), although I would not recommend getting close enough to adults to find out! The babies are awesome, though Smile

Geckos are pretty great little pets, forgiving and easy going. Beardies are much the same, but like Fishbone said, it's entirely up to the handler how the lizard turns out.
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08-01-2014, 02:17 AM,
Treeca86 Offline
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RE: The most sociable reptile pets beside bearded dragon
Iguanas, and Maliuromastix have been my best experience to want human attention. Love Malis the best. So sweet. So fun to play with. So fun to watch wander around the house. I had 2 once, was amazing to watch play together, too. Any kind of interactions with a Mali with yourself, a tank mate, or another pet is great fun. I'd love another Mali one day.
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08-01-2014, 10:08 PM,
evelynmcgregor Offline
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RE: The most sociable reptile pets beside bearded dragon
My son had an iguana that would occasionally escape from his home and it would seem that everytime, he would come and find us. His friend had a rather large on that liked to stretch out on the back of the couch behind whoever was sitting there. However, my favorite was a malieuromastic lizard we had. He would come to the front of his enclosure and watch use when we were near. He also liked to be held and have his belly rubbed.
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09-30-2014, 10:30 AM,
richguinea Offline
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Wink  RE: The most sociable reptile pets beside bearded dragon
Definitely iguanas! I have one myself and consider her "sociable"Smile
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10-22-2014, 02:44 AM,
Happyflowerlady Offline


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RE: The most sociable reptile pets beside bearded dragon
I have never been really interested in having a reptile as a pet, but I did have a chameleon when I was a child, and it was pretty friendly. Not like a puppy or a kitten where you could actually say they were glad to see you, but it was gentle enough when I held it.
Back in the fifties, every Dime Store sold little painted turtles, and the little turtle bowls to keep them in, so , of course, I had a turtle for a while too. The pet turtles were actually painted when they were shipped to the stores, and they were all about the same size and looked exactly alike; so people picked out their pet turtle by the picture that was painted on their back.
I think that probably that was not healthy for the turtle; but it did wear off pretty fast, and then he was just a plain old painted turtle , called that because of their colorful under-shell.
One of the most agressive reptiles that I have encountered (besides venomous snakes) was also a turtle, and that was the snapping turtle. They are the ugliest turtles in the whole world ! They look prehistoric, like they belong in a Jurassic Park movie, with the spikes along their back.

These turtles will actually come right after you to attack and snap you. They not only crawl along like most other turtles do, but when they are after you, they stand straight up on their legs, and the body is several inches off of the ground.
As they attack, they are hissing at you, and will snap anything that gets close enough for them to snap at.
We had some in our catfish pond when I lived in Missouri, and one day, we caught a snapper when we were out fishing. That turtle was outrageously angry by the time we had reeled him in, so he was even more agressive than usual.
There was no easy way to even get the hook back out of his mouth, but we used a long stick and finally got it out. Then I moved that turtle down to the nearby creek and let him live there, so no one would catch him when we were out fishing.
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10-10-2015, 12:55 PM,
ThatJagDoe Offline
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RE: The most sociable reptile pets beside bearded dragon
I would say Blue Tongue Skinks, but then again apart from beardies and monitors there aren't a whole lot of friendly lizards is Australia
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01-01-2016, 02:01 AM,
Chevy Offline
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RE: The most sociable reptile pets beside bearded dragon
Specifically lizards or any reptile? Because, as far as lizards go, I'm a huge monitor fan. Some get very large but some don't. I love black throat monitors, but they may be bigger than you are looking for. If you're open to turtles/tortoises, I'd suggest a type of Slider or perhaps a Russian tortoise. If you want a snake, the sweetest ones I've ever known were my two red tails, my boyfriend's rainbow boa, and my uncle's ball pythons. Leopard geckos, corn and milk snakes, uromastyx and skinks are also cool with varying levels of care and maintenance. Hope I could help, but make sure you know what size reptile you get yourself into. Smile
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