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Reptile enclosure size requirement?
08-20-2013, 03:47 PM,
Ram Offline
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Reptile enclosure size requirement?
Is there a standard (or requirement) for how big an enclosure should be for each reptile species? Or is it depended the size of the reptile pet?

Well, we have some standards for fish tank size, so I figured there might be such standard for reptile pets too.

By the way, are glass tanks or cages preferred enclosure for reptiles?
What are some pros and cons for them?

I am more into lizards by the way. Smile If it makes a difference in this discussion.
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08-21-2013, 03:52 PM,
Fishbone Offline


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RE: Reptile enclosure size requirement?
Id have to say the reptile community is more like the saltwater fish community. There are some things that most people agree on, but there are heated debates on many things, this being one of them.

It really varies greatly by species, you need an enclosure large enough for the animal to do what it needs to do, thermoregulate for example, (though even this is debated nowadays.)

So let's take three different species, Red tailed boa, a carpet python, and a green tree python. And assume we are talking about a snake of each between 5-6 feet.

Boa constrictors are primarily terrestrial, so they need ground space. You can utilize some height and have ledges, etc. My personal rule of thumb is to have an enclosure that the length + the width is at least the length of the snake. So a 6" Boa would need an enclosure that is 4'X2'x1'. Even if you had more height, I wouldn't reduce the floor space by much.

A GTP of the same size would need some height, at the expense of the floor space if necessary. 3'x2'x2' would work well. Even 3'x1.5'x2'. Of course, for a well established adult animal, bigger is almost always better.

A carpet python of the same length, being semi arboreal, will use both floor space and height equally. So you have more flexibility.

There are other things that need to be considered here, what type of heat source you are using, humidity, etc.

Lizards are completely different in many ways. Especially if it is a diurnal basking species requiring UVB, i.e Agamids and Iguanids. They are typically more active, and many species require a hot basking spot (similar to the heat you would find in direct sun in the tropics or in a desert setting.) So if you have a 100°-120° you also need enough space for it to have a cooler area.
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08-22-2013, 03:39 AM,
Ram Offline
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RE: Reptile enclosure size requirement?
Thanks for the long explanations, Fishbone.

I assume you were referring to glass tanks from the fact you have mentioned temperature and humidity? Will a 3' x 3' x 1' (instead of the 4' x 2' x 1') do for the same 6 feet snake?

From what you said, the reptile community is quite similar to fish keeping community lol. Many people tried to come up with a universal standard, but there is none. While it is extremely important we must have large enough fish tank for fish, there is actually no set to stone rule for fish tank size for fish because many species are too different. We have to use estimation along with common sense. Smile

For the lizards, is there an estimated enclosure size for a certain sized animal?
By the way, is it the bigger the better?
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08-26-2013, 01:09 AM,
Fishbone Offline


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RE: Reptile enclosure size requirement?
No, I wasn't necessarily talking about glass tanks, any type of enclosure really. I would say either 3'x3' or 4'x2' would do equally well for a 6' snake. But to get a 3'x3' enclosure, your either going to have to build it yourself, or pay quite a bit, whereas 4'x2' cages are extremely common and can be found quite cheaply.

When deciding how to house an animal, common sense goes a long way Wink There are allot of people who have housed the same species in different ways quite successfully.

There really aren't any set rules compared to length for lizards I've heard, at least not a general rule. It really depends on species even moseso than snakes. If I had to make one up, I would say at least 3 times the snout-vent length (SVL) for the length of the cage, and at least half that in width. The best thing to do is to try to get some information from people who have successfully kept whichever species it is your interested in.

"Is bigger always better" is a question that stirs up allot of debate in the reptile community. IMHO, in general, yes. BUT, there are allot of things that have to be considered and possibly adjusted. If you just put a very small snake in a very large cage that isn't furnished and set up properly, you run the risk of the snake feeling insecure and at risk and never eating (this is a very common problem, especially with people bringing baby ball pythons and putting them in a 40 gallon tank.) Or a tine beardie in a large tank trying to catch crickets that are hiding all over the place.
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08-27-2013, 12:42 AM, (This post was last modified: 08-27-2013, 12:45 AM by Ram.)
Ram Offline
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RE: Reptile enclosure size requirement?
Thanks again for the reply. Smile

It makes sense that some reptiles might feel insecure in too big of an enclosure. Will more hiding places make them feel safer?

From the other thread, you told me the snake can stand up around 1/2 to 1/3 (of their body length) tall. If it is the case, wouldn't a 6 feet long snake stand up to be around 2~3 feet tall? Wouldn't the the 3'x3'x1' or 4'x2'x1' enclosure be limiting the snake's height? I am just very curious lol. Please bear with me. Tongue
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09-08-2013, 08:01 PM,
Fishbone Offline


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RE: Reptile enclosure size requirement?
Good question. In general, a 6' boa doesn't have much interest in "standing up". It certainly wouldn't hurt to have a cage that is 12" taller, but if you already ad a cage that was 4'Lx2'Dx1'H, and you wanted to upgrade, and either had to choose between 1' longer or 1' higher, THAT SPECIES of snake would get much more use out of another foot of length or width.

Again, if it were a different specie of snake, it may be entirely different.
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09-10-2013, 11:04 AM, (This post was last modified: 09-10-2013, 11:08 AM by Ram.)
Ram Offline
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RE: Reptile enclosure size requirement?
Thanks again! Very informative. So basically snakes would rather take more ground space than more height in an enclosure.

By the way, you forgot to answer my question on the hiding places. Smile Will more hiding places make a "shy" snake feel more secure in an "insecure" large enclosure? In the case of aquariums and shy fish, it helps. I am just not sure about the shy snakes. Big Grin
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09-13-2013, 05:10 PM,
Fishbone Offline


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RE: Reptile enclosure size requirement?
(09-10-2013, 11:04 AM)Ram Wrote: Thanks again! Very informative. So basically snakes would rather take more ground space than more height in an enclosure.

Well, again (and I am actually starting to feel bad every time I type this) it depends on the species. For terrestrial species, yes. For arboreal species, no. For semi arboreal species, maybe. Unfortunately, with anything termed as "snakes", there is a great variation. A ball python, a garter snake and a rainbow boa are about as closely related as a giant panda, a mountain lion, and a sea lion.

(09-10-2013, 11:04 AM)Ram Wrote: By the way, you forgot to answer my question on the hiding places. Smile Will more hiding places make a "shy" snake feel more secure in an "insecure" large enclosure? In the case of aquariums and shy fish, it helps. I am just not sure about the shy snakes. Big Grin

I completely missed that. Hides are essential with most species, especially the terrestrial ones. In general the more hides you provide, the more likely you are to eventually see the animal out and about. A small neonate in a large enclosure without any hides can feel very insecure. To the extent of not eating at all.
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