We have one cat who will eat (or at least try out) basically any food that we happen to be eating. We don't feed our cats people food very often, but she has had horrible table manners ever since we got her from the shelter, and she'll try to steal food right off your plate or out of your hand. It doesn't matter what it is, if she sees you eating it, she thinks it is something she should be eating. She likes to steal popcorn from us (right from the bowl), but we try not to give her more than a piece or two since it isn't good for her.
Once, when my other cat was a tiny kitten (and I mean tiny, she fit in the palm of my hand) she tried to steal an entire pork chop off my husband's dinner plate. It was so funny, because it was bigger than she was!
And, FYI, adult cats shouldn't be fed dairy products, as most cats are lactose intolerant. It can give them an upset tummy, even if they do like the taste. So be careful!