Sounds like your puppy is lacking a bit of confidence in himself and his surroundings. It's only been a few days so he will adjust, you just have to be proactive. Try to get someone else to hold him while you give him treats. Then see if he will
Start accepting treats from that person. Sometimes puppies whine because they are tired. Mine was a monster and I couldn't figure out why until someone said he was probably just overtired. I really recommend getting a crate for him because puppies are kind of like toddlers, they don't want to go to sleep but they need too. Putting a comfy bed in the crate with some chew toys and a blanket draped over the crate will make him feel safer and he will relax. I'd say for every hour he's up and playing in the day he can go back in to rest another hour or two. Adjust the ratio as you see fit. Hope that helps!