I just wanted to add something here, as I was thinking about it this morning doing the daily dragon salad thing. Although beardies are a bit more work than some reptiles, (snakes where you have to feed one frozen mouse every week or two,) and need to be fed daily, there is a definite easier way of doing things. If you look at the link I posted in the first answer, find good things for your dragon to eat, that you can also eat.
Todays salad consisted of:
Mustard greens. I am going to make an Italian style bean soup in the next few days with Italian sausage, and mustard greens. Check.
Turnip greens. OK, I don't really like these as much, but I'll put a bit in the soup too. Or maybe not.
Butternut squash. Tonight, I'm going to broil a half of butternut with brown sugar, Cinnamon and butter. Check.
Mango. My youngest daughter loves mango. Check.
You get the idea. Maybe you like mixed green salads? Escarole and endive are great for beardies. Maybe you like the southern american style stewed collard greens with bacon? Maybe you like sautéed yellow summer squash? Maybe you like papaya?
Just some thoughts for the bearded dragon owners out there...