Most pet food is some combination of meat (usually meat byproducts) and mixed grains. A few pet foods are now also adding vegetables, which I think is a good idea.
We always give our dogs vegetables when we are having some with our meals. Sweet potato or squash is very healthy, and both of my dogs love this.
Chipper always expects to share my meals with me, and I give him bites of green beans, broccoli, carrots, and whatever other vegetables we are having for dinner.
He much prefers the vegetables when he is being hand-fed; but that is because he has been fed that way all of his life, and thinks he is a little fuzzy person.
Vegetables have a lot of important vitamins and minerals, and when pets just get meat and grains, they are missing out on all of the extra nourishment from the veggies.
What kinds of veggies does everyone else feed their pets, and how well do they like it ?