RE: A Cat's Do-It-Yourself Projects for Around the House
Just like we have different personalities, animals too have their own intelligence, will and emotions which are distinct from each other. I would not be surprised if there is a cat that can fix things. In my country especially at the coast, there are some families which keep many cats most of them black in colour and instances of intruders being attacked by these cats have been reported. There are also anecdotes of how some pet owner decided to get rid of his cat and took it to the deep zone of a dam. Instead of the cat plunging freely into the water, it held tightly to his neck with its rasping claws and in the confusion, both of them fell into the dam and drowned. There was a certain cat in our family that would overturn its milk dish if it didn't like the contents. I have also observed cats groom each other and this shows empathy. Some researchers in the spiritual realm which I am very much into aver that monitoring spirits can inhabit animals especially pets to siphon information about the household for onward transmission for negative action. But give it to the kittens to do amazing things when they express their bubbly personalities.