I'm using Fluval C3 Power Filter, the filter is at the top right corner of the tank, water intake tube is extended to left bottom corner of the tank, this configuration ensures good water circulation. Fluval C3 is rated 153 gallon/hour. I'm not using carb filter, this should also improve water flow.
I think the main concern/limit is biological filtration, Fluval C3 does not have a huge pocket for C-nodes (surface/place for bacteria colonization). But I don't plan to change tank equipment, this is my first tank with fish and plants (have a mix of Anuibas + Amazon Sword) and at this point I plan to adjust fish type and population to tank capabilities.
Quote:>Personally, I'd increase the number of corydoras catfish to 6. The more cory, the more active they will become. They are very cute when active. Not so cute when they are shy and hide all the time. Yes, I would choose the smaller species. Some of them can be 3.5" long which are a little big for a 20-gallon.
What kind of small corydoras would you recommend?
Quote:>You may also increase the number of Neon Tetra to 10. Or get 10 Cardinal Tetra instead since they do not get the infamous Neon Tetra disease which has a high death rate
My kid is in love with Neon Tetra so this one is a must
Quote:>One dwarf gourami is great as the center piece if you get it from a high quality fish place.
Could you recommend way to recognize such high quality fish place from other places? So far I've been looking for fish at PetSmart mainly, one store (out of 3 I visited) has lively Tetras, and some selection of Corys. But I should agree that selection of Gouramis/Dwarf Gouramis is not great. Is there any way to shop online? Save