Our first dog is Jedi, a medium sized female that I couldn't carry for she's kinda heavy for me. That's why it is a problem whenever we would bring her along in the car. Our second dog is Epoy, a pekingese that is cuddly with a thick coat. Ever since we took home Epoy when he was 2 months old, he was already oriented in riding the car. In fact, we call him car addict for he would always get excited upon hearing of the word joyride.
With Epoy, it made me realize that a small dog is more convenient and easier to take care of because of the size and weight. As one neighbor said, small dogs eat small so it is cheaper to maintain. But with me, the cost of the food is not material, I really don't mind the cost as long as my dog is contented. At present, the oldest dog is another medium sized spitz atlhough a bit smaller than Jedi. Our pug Pipoy is also a small dog like his contemporary Barbie, a white pekingese who happens to be my favorite. So there, it is the small dog for me.