I've only had two cats allowed in my room when I sleep. My first cat Midnight,was probably the most spoiled. He would get to pick whether of not he would sleep in my room or not. Then he would either sleep on my rug or on my pillow next to me. He was a heavy cat so if he settle next to you, you couldn't move when you sleep. I never had to worry about accidentally rolling over my cat because I was a kid and he was huge. He wasn't overweight but he was a tomcat who got to roam outside when he wanted to.
The other cat I had that I allowed to sleep in my room was Tony. He was never allowed to sleep on my bed while I was sleeping because I'm a kicker and a roller. I was also a bit older, and I would kick or kill him if he was in my bed. So we had a special deal. During the day, he stayed off my desk and got to sleep on my bed. But at night, the floor, my seat, and the desk was his but he couldn't sleep on my bed. He understood this so he was allowed to sleep in my room. His brother never learned that and I could never allowed him into my room to sleep because he would sneak into my bed. Then I would walk up to a chest full of claws because I rolled over his tail or kicked him in my sleep. So outside of those two cats, all the others have to stay out of my room when I sleep, it's safer for them.