Were given two Bearded Dragon, "both female" For the last several months acted as if mating. Last week we found one of them dead. Last night the other one was lethargic. Went into her cave. Usually basking in the light. She was so still I was worried we were going to lose her. I touched her and she moved so let be. Later she was up and about as usual. Upon checking the cave there were 28 eggs. "We" were not expecting. I have raised many animals and hatched chickens and ducks. Googled Bearded Dragon reproduction & ended up on your site. Quickly threw together an incubator to your specs. Moved the eggs to the incubator. 24 hours later we have 25 "Skin eggs." 3 broken. Humidity high. Hypocalcemia. Only parts of shell on eggs. All but 2 appear OK. Draped them with a loose weave, damp cloth. temp. 85 degrees. Can they thrive. dbh