I hate ticks. They're annoying and they can grow real fat by simply sticking to your dog for a couple days (hours even). Aside from using the tweezers to pull their heads from the dog's skin, there's this device called the tick remover .
Aside from the ones mentioned above, here are some products that have been used to make the ticks let go of their grip on the dog's skin.
1. Petroleum Jelly (Take a tiny glob of one of the first three items listed and swab it liberally on the ticks body to suffocate it.)
2. Peanut Butter (Unfortunately, the dog might be tempted to eat the Peanut Butter)
3. Cooking Oil
4. Nail Polish
On the other hand, some people do not encourage the use of these 4 tick removal substances because there's a possibility that the tick will release its saliva on the dog's blood stream.
What tick removal techniques work best for you?