Squrriels are cute, and fun to have around, but can also be the most destructive little creatures when they want to be! A few years back when my kids where younger, my daughter came running in the house with two baby squrriels who had been blown out of their nest after a storm. I preached from the beginning that these were wild animals, and as soon as they got old enough, they would be released back into the wild by a park where people fed the squrriels daily. Everyone agreed, except the squrriels.
This park was at least a mile from our home, but somehow they found their way back, and tore holes in every screen of the house trying to get back in, and gnawed all around each window! They had become just wild enough where they no longer wanted to be held(outside) so we set live traps to re-locate them again. After putting them back into their old home(cage) they settled in while we deciced what was best for them. Well, being the smart little creatures that they are, they soon figured out how to wiggle the latch and were free..this time inside the house while we weren't home. Two bored squrriels looking for food and fun can destroy a house in less then an hour..Imagine coming home to a house after 6 hours of freedom. The curtains were shredded, they "dug" up the couch(huge holes) knocked down several pictures, got into the dog food and scattered it all over, had the cat cornered in the kitchen under the microwave stand, and the dog was having a nervous break down in my room.
I finally found a wildlife shelter that had animals like squrriels, possoms,etc that they would bring out during their show as they spoke about wildlife conservation.
They are cute, cuddly looking in the wild, but they can also be demons of destruction if left in captivity..thats why wild animals should remain in the wild. It taught me and my kids a very valueable lesson!