I have a nice (at least I think so) story about the canadian geese that come through during migration. As you know geese mate for life and live as a family unit. Also, they return to the same places year after year. There is a cemetery here in the city that they live in for part of the year. They lay their eggs by the ponds there and raise their young. There can be hundreds of geese there at certain times. One year there were several families but one family in particular became more friendly than most. It was the parents and 5 young. My wife and I would go regularly to see them...and feed them. We watched the young grow week by week. As there were 5 young early on I started calling out,"Hi Five!" Those 7 geese, counting the parents, would come running. Others would find there way to the food also but did not get as close as that one family. That went on most of the spring and all of the summer. We watched the young grow from little yellow balls of fluff to geese you could not tell from their parents except for their formation. They are always led by one parent and trailed by the other. Fall migration came and all the geese went south. We missed "our" little family. The next spring we went back to see the new crop of young and there were hundreds of geese there. We watched for a while and on a lark I called out,"Hi Five!" Don't you know seven geese came running? I will forever think that was our little family. Don't burst my bubble... That was the only year it happened. The following year I called out three came to us but never again the seven.