Pet food (I'm talking about cats and dogs here) isn't harmful to humans, but also isn't very nutritious. But, then again, neither is the food a lot of people eat, so that guy who mostly ate cat food didn't do a lot of harm to himself. As for the taste, canned food should taste like unsalted, not spiced meat, dry food has a taste that's a bit harder for me to explain but it shouldn't be starchy at all. I have tasted a lot of cat food for quality control, since the taste directly shows the quality. Cheaper dry food has a very starchy taste, and quality brands have a pretty nice taste (it reminds me of some human snack food, but I wouldn't really eat it). If you tried cat or dog food and it tasted gross, you probably shouldn't feed it to your pet, it shouldn't be too different than human food. I wish that pet food quality regulations were more strict, a lot of it shouldn't be eaten by anyone, and some brands lie about their quality (which I found out by taste-testing them).