You know, I have to be honest because reading through your answers I kept thinking how nice everyone treats their dogs here, despite an annoying habit so many dogs have. It's a little bittersweet for me. I am happy that there are KIND, HUMANE solutions to stopping a dog from barking.I'm glad to see all of you dog owners using humane solutions. I was dreading seeing other "solutions" that might not be so kind. I have horrific memories of my dad going out to beat my brother's Irish Setter with a huge stick, screaming at it all the while. It literally makes me cry now just thinking about it (he beat all of us too, actually). I can remember the loud thumps that all the neighbors must have also heard as that poor dog was beat over and over again and the pitiful cries from that poor dog! I don't know why nobody ever called the authorities on my dad. They should have! Maybe way back then nobody cared about animal abuse like we do nowadays?
I like the pennies in a can solution - too bad my dad never heard about that one! But then he'd probably prefer beating to anything nice anyway.