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I need some advice on dogs barking issues
02-14-2013, 01:49 PM,
jowjo5 Offline
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I need some advice on dogs barking issues
Hi all

I am hoping someone can help me with our dogs and their barking. We have 3 dogs, all large breeds, Bernese Mt dogs to be exact.

Here is my question and I hope someone has some wisdom to share with me.
It seems every time one of our dogs begin to bark all 3 join in. Now I know this is a natural thing for dogs to do, but does anyone have any suggestions on how to get them to stop when you ask them to? Is that even possible?

Would love some advice or anything that might help me possibly get it under control. We love our dogs, barking or not they are part of our family. But it sure would be nice to lower the volume a bit.

Thanks to all in advance.
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02-15-2013, 09:22 AM,
4sweed Offline


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RE: I need some advice on dogs barking issues
If they are inside dogs try playing music cd's, that will stop ability of them to hear outside noises that might set them off. Try spraying them with water from a spray container and saying "quiet" firmly. Outside a hose would work. Not to soak them, but to get their attention. The last resort is using muzzles, that allow them to drink water, but not bark. Usually, the above measures work if you keep it up and don't let them get away from not listening to you.
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02-28-2013, 09:15 AM,
trishgl Offline
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RE: I need some advice on dogs barking issues
You need to identify the reason your dog is barking. Does he want something like a toy or is he hungry? If you have given him things in the past because he barks don't continue doing it because you are rewarding bad behavior. Wait for him to stop first then give it, that way he'll know that in order to get it he must not bark for it. If he barks at people or other animals some experts advise that your dog may need more socialization so walking him for at least 30 minutes everyday is a good step to take. I walk my dog twice a day once for 45 minutes in the morning and once in the afternoon.
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08-21-2013, 11:47 AM,
shopgirl Offline
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RE: I need some advice on dogs barking issues
I would LOVE to learn how to control both my Yorkies from barking! They bark at the littlest noises and heaven forbid if someone knocks on the door or rings the doorbell! I know that they are just being protective, but it is quite annoying. I really hate to resort to the "No Bark" collar but I am very tempted. I don't know what else to do. It doesn't help for me to yell at them. They can't even hear me Yell over their barking! I have even tried spanking :-( I hate resorting to this as well but they probably continue to bark because I am really just barely "popping" them once on the backside and at the same time saying NO! It doesn't even phase them. I guess it is almost like with some kids...you actually have to "make it hurt" a little for it to register and to scare them. I can't bring myself to do that though....
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08-21-2013, 01:03 PM,
Tribie Offline
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RE: I need some advice on dogs barking issues
I spray our dog with some water mixed with vinegar from a spray bottle. I found that my dog is more afraid of the spray bottle when there is vinegar. When he sees that I am holding the bottle, he keeps quiet right away. The only problem here is your house will smell like vinegar for a while. In a 500 ml spray bottle about 4 teaspoons of vinegar will be enough.
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08-21-2013, 03:53 PM,
TreeClimber Offline


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RE: I need some advice on dogs barking issues
Have you taught your dogs the "no bark" command? That's a good place to start.

Are your dogs barking at the door when their is a noise, disturbance, etc.? My Jack Russell has this problem. What I did was follow something I saw on the Dog Whisperer and in a book by Brian Kilcommons. I claim the space. First, this involves using my shaker can (a soda can with a few coins in it) to get the dogs' attention. When Misha would bark, I'd shake the can and give the "no bark" command.

The shaker can was effective sometimes. But, I didn't want to shake the can every time she barked. So, I started claiming the front door. This is how I do it. When she runs to the front door to bark, I put myself between her and the door. I don't let her get to it. I point away from the door (I try to be as authoritative as possible with my posture and body language), and I give the commands "no bark" and "go".

It takes awhile for them to catch on. With Misha, I've added a command "Thank you...you told me". I know. It probably sounds silly. But, when she hears me say this, a lot of times backs off. She has figured out that I will check the door or window and she walks away.

My methods aren't perfect. We are still working on it. For instance, when a stranger is at the door, it is complicated because she jumps up and down like she is on a trampoline. The only thing that works when she is that riled is to put the leash on her and take her away from the door.

It's a little more complicated in your situation because you have three dogs. My brother has 3 dogs. He found that using one of those bark inhibiting collars (his gave a sound) on the dog that barked the most was helpful. By quieting that dog, the others followed suit.

The important thing with whatever method you try is to remain calm. They amp up a notch when you are excited.
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