In our country, we have the Aspin and cats are called Puspin simply because these are animals that were born here but have undocumented origin of breeds. The Philippines had only caught on with animal rights activism only a few years back and only then vet clinics had begun spreading out.
As a fan of dogs, we cannot help but be fascinated with so many dog breeds out there. Like the Aspin and Puspin, the Philippines began as a melting pot of different cultures from surrounding countries. We don't have a specific stereotype look to us that's why a Filipino can look mestiza or Malay, oriental, etc.
Anyway, I guess this is a factor why we have a fascination of dogs from certain countries. It surprises me that a Corgi puppy can be worth almost around the equivalent to $1000 here in my country but end up in a shelter where they're originally from. My brother wanted a Corgi but cannot afford it since the cheapest we found that was locally sold online is Php35,000 or $750. If there was a possibility for us to adopt from the states, he would've gotten one.