(02-18-2015, 02:05 PM)PrideKidd Wrote: Does your cat know the sound of their treats being opened? Most people i know with a cat would say yes as well as I. You cannot even begin to open a can of soft cat food without they already swarming and going nuts.
Another Question, do you say anything special to them when you are to give them one? We Shout out the word Treat and they come running no matter how far away they are.
When it comes to the sound of the treat bag, this is actually a big deal in our household, too. Our older, long-haired cat, gets a treat after her grooming routine, as an incentive. Of course, our younger short-haired cat, is right there waiting. She can be in a deep sleep and awake instantly! Sometimes, when she is one of her many hiding places, and we can not find her, all we have to do is open the treat bag. Oh yeah, we also ring out the word, treats, in a special high tone of voice. They just get so happy, which makes us happy.