Well didn't want to do a fish less cycle for I have fish. If you read from beginning what started as a bacteria bloom (I probably panicked for fish were trying for air at top of tank). Purchased almost all products from Dr Tim. We started with waste away for I think I had bad bacteria in the tank. Didn't clear up for weeks. Cleaned filter media which wasn't that bad to begin (tank had been great for 4 months) always had 0 nitrites but the nitrate dropped way low and then ammonia never went away. So today 95% water change, now 2 filters running. Put one and only in both medias and the ammonia this evening is at 4. I checked my water outside and ammonia is almost nil. Conditioned water. Wtf? Also I do not have hospital tank but 2 25 gallon garbage cans that I put bubbler in and move them every two days. They seem to be ok (using first defense) but not sure how long they can do that. Still eating but not sure if ever will be right. PH was at 8.2 so did ph down yesterday before change today. Seem to have white particles in the water. The bigger ones look like skin?
Thanks Nancy