When we had our first dog, my knowledge was zero in caring for puppy that's why I was just looking at Jedi who was 2 months old at that time. When arrived home from work, that's the first time I saw Jedi who was tied with a thin rope to the doorway. My husband was rummaging in the stock room for a box that would serve as our puppy's bed for the night. So I said maybe we can just let loose the puppy inside the living room? Agreed.
At night when we were in the bedroom on the second floor, the puppy was making terrible noises downstairs as if it was scared of being alone. My husband went down and I was already asleep when he came to bed. In the morning, I learned that the puppy slept in the box after being patted until it slept. And what about the food? Our breakfast was hotdog so we gave our puppy some bits. Jedi liked the hotdog and since then, that was her breakfast... until a dog breeder advised us against it.
For newbies in caring for dogs, you need to learn the nuances so you wouldn't have a hard time like us.