No, I don't eat something my cat has licked. But then, I wouldn't if another person did either. I've learned not to leave certain foods where she can reach them. For instance, a bowl of cereal. The milk is, of course, a big draw for her. I also would never leave a tuna sandwich by itself. That's just an engraved dinner invitation as far as she is concerned. In fact, I usually try not to eat tuna in front of her. She can become quite the annoying moocher.
One thing that I recently found I can't leave around her is iced tea. She loves the smell. It's just regular Lipton tea. But most of all, she loved the ice! I've taken to putting a few ice cubes in her water bowl, even though she's an indoor kitty and the water isn't evaporating or getting hot. She loves it. She's drinks a bit more water if I put the ice in, which is probably good for her.