I agree with all points!
In my case, my dog developed severe skin issues and would bite for hours on end if we let him (of course, we didn't!). He would end up with large, bleeding areas on his skin with bald patches and scabs everywhere. We assumed it was an allergic reaction to fleas, which my old vet agreed was "likely" but not surely to be the case during a conversation on the phone. We had a terrible time getting rid of fleas, but when the time came that I was sure we were rid of them, Rocky was still having a reaction and driving himself (and all of us; no fault of his own) mad. At a certain point, we ran out of his usual food and had to buy a temporary substitute. His allergies went away, and came back a week later when we switched to his regular food. The ingredients were practically identical except for one thing: Corn. I've since switched foods so many times, each time with no corn. The only time he has had a reaction since was when he got into the neighbor's dog food which of course had corn! I'm so glad that his allergy had a solution as easy as a simple change in diet.