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Tell me about your favorite dog, past or present
03-20-2012, 11:45 PM,
bw Offline


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Tell me about your favorite dog, past or present
It is hard to pick but I guess I would have to go with a German Shepherd my dad bought when I was a kid of 5 years old. This dog had been trained for a seeing eye dog but failed the course because he had a playful streak that could not be over come. He did his lessons great but when he saw kids playing he was too excited about that so he was sold. My mom said he was the best babysitter she ever had. I could play in the yard without her worrying so much about me. He would not let me in the road. Even though we lived in the last house on the lane and the only traffic was people that came to our house I was NOT getting in the road. Also, there were rattle snakes. He would circle me every few minutes and if a snake was nearby he would grab my wrist and take me to the house. Then he would kill the snake. Once one got close before he knew it and he killed it right next to me. When my mom folded clothes that went upstairs she would put a stack on the stairway to take up when she was going later. She had to stop doing that. Things do not belong on a stairway, they are a trip hazard and Bullet would take the clothes up stairs and shove them in a corner. Nothing stayed on the stairs. Once when I was outside playing Bullet was off in the barn, a dog I did not know came into they yard. Their was a neighbor boy playing with me. The dog bit that boy and had started toward me. I screamed for Bullet and he came running, leaped over my head and landed on that dog. After a short fight the dog left. I was 5, I don't know if they ever found the dog and tested for rabies or not. I know Bullet was fine. Another time after we moved into town a neighborhood bully was, well, bullying me, kicking the spokes on my bicycle and Bullet grabbed the kids pant leg and while growling something vicious pulled the kid away without touching the kid, just his pant leg. Of course the boy was scared and yelling at me to get my dog off him. I ask the kid,"you going to leave me alone?" "Yeah, yeah, I'll leave you alone." Come on Bullet.
I loved that dog. He loved playing foot ball. Would tackle me gently but would take my dad to the ground! He pulled my sled in the winter and wagon in the summer. I still miss that dog.
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03-21-2012, 11:32 PM, (This post was last modified: 03-21-2012, 11:33 PM by Ram.)
Ram Offline
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RE: Tell me about your favorite dog, past or present
I have never had a dog myself, and I do not really know the types of dogs, but I know what is cute and good looking when I see one. Smile

By the way, I have heard of German Shepherd. Can't miss that one after all these years, can we? Tongue

When I was a child, maybe Lassie type of dog was my favorite mostly due to the TV show itself.

Not too long ago I saw a little blue dog, I am not sure what type of dog it is, but it was surely cute.

Just the other day, I saw some dude was walking two large dogs with awesome looking snow white hair. No idea what they were either. I thought they were cool looking.

I should bring my camera with me more often, so the next time I can take photos of what I see. You dog people can identify them for me. Wink
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03-22-2012, 12:27 AM,
Dakota Dog Offline
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RE: Tell me about your favorite dog, past or present
I've had some great dogs in my life, ones that will stay in my heart forever. The one that stands out now, is Mutt-lee. He showed up 9 years ago on our farm, I found him huddled behind the trash bin one winter morning. After getting him to warm up to me, I was able to see he was torn up pretty good on his side, and was holding up his front leg. The vet said in order to have the injuries he had..a dislocated shoulder with a serious case of road rash..the dog must have been tossed out of a moving car. After several weeks of recovery, we seen his personality peek through and surprise us with tricks like sitting up and begging, dancing, rolling over, sitting and down. This dog was well trained, and house broken..why would anyone want to toss him out of a car in the middle of the country?
He took on the job of following me and my husband around the farm while we did chores, he kept the barn cats in check, and would make sure no rabbits would invade our garden. In the winter, he declared himself to be the offical lap warmer of anyone who would allow it, and had the puppy dog eyes that got him his way 98% of the time. He and Lady would play for hours in the yard, but now, they both have slowed down with age, and sadly, age is winning out.
Mutt-lee taught me that no matter what happens in your life, holding grudges is pointless, and feeling sorry for yourself gets you no where. He may have showed up as an injured dog, but I truely believe he was a fallen angel with a broken wing sent to teach me patience, understanding, and to believe in myself.
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03-22-2012, 05:19 AM,
bw Offline


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RE: Tell me about your favorite dog, past or present
Ram8349, yes, take the camera along. Wow, never had a dog, I just can't imagine it. I have never been without a dog! Though my wife says this old guy we have now IS our last. I'm not arguing but I am HOPING she changes her mind.

Nice story Dakota! Of course I loved each and every one of my dogs but Bullet will forever be THE ONE. I think I have told on here somewhere about a terrier mix I had for 16 years. She will be forever missed as well. She is THE ONE of my adult life. she had been very badly abused and was close to death when I found her. It was a long haul but she learned to trust us. She is the one that taught me a few life's lessons.
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03-22-2012, 09:14 PM, (This post was last modified: 03-22-2012, 09:24 PM by OriJas.)
OriJas Offline
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RE: Tell me about your favorite dog, past or present
I have a two...I'm afraid I can't choose just one but Ori and Jasmine have been extra special. They are a bit long, I apologize. I tried to just keep it short...but I couldn't say WHY without explaining the whole thing. I did have two others, but I edited to cut them (not delete the text) because it would have made it twice as long as it is now.

Ori - My current eldest Golden Retriever. I can't even say it's because I'm bias and he's still here actually. In 2008, my life kind of hit a few speedbumps. A loss of another dog due to my mother (yeah, there's some no-so-hidden anger for her when it comes to my animals) When I made the decision to look AT puppies (not FOR one) I found his breeder, and they just so happened to have a little arriving in the next week. They asked me for gender and color preferred, I told them "one of the darker coats, male, and if possible, the runt if the runt is a boy" It seems I have a pattern with "unwanteds" and "underdogs". Ori came out ALL three. 10 days before his "gotcha" day...my brother was sent to jail for something he didn't do. His fiancee, was pregnant with their first child. When Ori came home, it gave me a chance to focus my thoughts on something else...something happy. When August of 2009 rolled around, my brother was still in jail, and my nephew was born. Three days after THAT, he was experiencing seizures and was rushed back into hospital...and his three older siblings were taken into foster care. In September 2009, I was given news that my nephew was diagnosed with something we feared...a rare genetic terminal illness called Menkes Disease. They gave him 6 months to a year. I found out before even his father (my brother) did. In December '09 my brother came home just before Christmas, but I didn't get to see him until October '10.

Jasmine - This kind of follows on with Ori, but even she has played her part in my life lately that I can't express it well. In October '10 as some might have read, she was practically placed in my lap. That same month however while my brother was staying, he received a phone call that Carter (my nephew) wasn't expected to see Christmas. He was barely passed his first birthday...which had amazed many already he got that far. The next two months were hell for my family, wondering if he could hold on, whether he'd see just one more Christmas, I held on to my prayers, my childish wishes on stars, any supernatural "wish granter" even freakin' Santa Claus. Most of all, my anticipation of Jasmine coming home. My nephew saw Christmas, and there was that weird feeling of just "knowing" again...it wasn't just Carter defying the expectations again, we were given it because we begged for it. Jasmine came home in January and she was everything I knew and hoped she'd be. She was even housebroken within a month without crate training! In April last year, a smack exact 7 days before Easter, I got *that* phone call. He was 20 months old. I remember the first thing I did after I got up from the floor...begged my step-dad and mom to go down and get me a case of Bacardi Breezers, then as they all but fled out of the door to do just that, I was already letting the dogs back inside and *grabbed* for Jasmine before racing straight to my computer and literally "text" screaming at my best friend to get online...which she didn't for 5 hours. So I had nothing but forums and chatrooms, and Jasmine and Ori beside me with my mom trying not to ask me to stop drinking so fast.

Sorry for the length, really. With the date being so close...it's on all of our minds now so the events with it stick to me. But Jasmine and Ori truly are my rocks. Without them here, I don't know what I would have done these past 3.5 years. It's been a living hell for my family, I think I just needed these two clowns to help me smile at the end of some of the hardest days.
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03-22-2012, 10:15 PM,
bw Offline


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RE: Tell me about your favorite dog, past or present
OriJas, you will be in my prayers and thank you for sharing. You have two wonderful dogs. Cherish them while they are with you for their safe keeping. I am so sorry about your nephew. Listen, you did not ask my advise but here it is anyway. I will try to keep it short. I have a beloved cousin who is alcoholic so when I hear of one so young turning to alcohol for a problem solver it breaks my heart. Alcohol DOES NOT solve any problem. I can't stress that enough. When you sober up, your problem is still there. however, it can ADD to your problems. I hope this was just a one time thing for you. BTW, If it takes a longer post to say what you want, next time go for it.
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04-10-2012, 09:21 PM,
Ram Offline
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RE: Tell me about your favorite dog, past or present
Hey, bw,
I checked around, and I think I have found the dogs I mentioned.

My favorite dogs are

Australian Silky Terrier,
[Image: Silkyterrier125.jpg]

American Eskimo dog,
[Image: American_Eskimo_Dog.jpg]

German Spitz,
[Image: 699px-Spitz.jpg]

Japan Spitz.
[Image: Japspitzpup.jpg]

I just like blue and white. Clap
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04-13-2012, 12:11 AM,
bw Offline


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RE: Tell me about your favorite dog, past or present
My favorite dog is which ever one I have at the moment. Most of my dogs have been mutts. There have been a few pure breeds. My favorite breed is the German Shepherd.
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04-18-2012, 09:37 AM,
Ram Offline
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RE: Tell me about your favorite dog, past or present
German Shepherd is certainly a famous breed everyone has heard of even if they have never seen one. Most dogs I see outside are unknown breed to me.
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06-05-2012, 10:38 AM,
tajnz Offline
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RE: Tell me about your favorite dog, past or present
Great idea for a thread. I loved reading about all of your dogs and of course seeing the photographs Ram posted.

I've only had two dogs, Rosie and Honey two Chihuahua x. Corgis we adopted from our local RSPCA when I was probably around 11 years old. Sadly their original owners left them both along with Honey's three puppies locked up in a house with no food or water while they went on holiday. Thankfully the neighbours heard the dogs and contacted the RSPCA.

Rosie and Honey were both bursting with personality. Honey would stand up on her hind legs like a meerkat when she wanted to be lifted and Rosie insisted on going for a car ride every day. She would bark at my mum and run to the door when she knew it was time for her ride. So many of my childhood and teenage memories include the two of them. Sadly they have since passed of old age as when we adopted them they were already a few years old.
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01-23-2020, 08:06 PM,
donoamarray Offline

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RE: Tell me about your favorite dog, past or present
The Golden Retriever is one of the most popular dog breeds. These dogs are fairly easy to train and get along in just about any home or family.
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05-24-2020, 06:45 PM,
Savage Sturgis Offline

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RE: Tell me about your favorite dog, past or present
This dog looks very beautiful. But I wonder if they are too expensive? I want to own an uncle but it seems that around me they don't. Where can I find it?
Can you help me RAM
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09-11-2020, 11:17 PM,
FaithMillsM2V Offline
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RE: Tell me about your favorite dog, past or present
It is so interesting to read so cute stories
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