Our bedroom floor is made of wood slats so it is not cold nor warm, just right for the dogs to sleep. But in the living room where the dogs stay during the daytime, the concrete tiles are cold to the touch even if the room temperature is at 37 degrees C. We have provided a sleeping mat for our dogs so their bodies wouldn't be directly exposed to the cold tiles. However, it seems that they are more comfortable with the tiles for they don't want to lie down on the mat even if the weather is kinda cool. My husband bought a linoleum for that purpose but our dogs seem to avoid that too.
Our dogs are naturalists coming from the tropics as they are. During cold seasons, they can be seen in semi hibernation tucked away in corners. In most instances, owners of dogs in our region make a provision for kennels though some dogs out of the free spirit of wanting to sample the night ignore them. Some owners are guilty of this aspect since some dogs are exposed to inhumane conditions at night. Since the time they were puppies, they were not trained to mark their territory with respect to secure and well insulated sleeping hamlets. I bet that since the plight of dogs is more of assessment on the part of the pet owner, a good dose of empathy is needed to assess their needs.