I was out mowing my yard today, the neighbor let her dog out into her backyard to pee. Her dog ran up and down the fence barking nonstop at me, meanwhile my dog chilled on the porch enjoying the sun. Even with a dog so close barking, she didn't even bark once. She definitely kept an eye on the other dog though, but I was very impressed with her behavior. I think it's nice when a dog can not freak out at a situation, let's face it... who likes a barking dog really? My neighbor's dog is a little annoying, it goes into the backyard and sits and barks for no real reason. I've even tried to make nice and pet the dog once a while back, but the dog freaked out so much around me my neighbor could barely hold the leash so she just ended up saying, "Well, let's just not push it." Once again, point being: if your dog has a chill personality, enjoy it because I think that's lucky!