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Do your dogs sleep in your bed with you?
11-21-2015, 10:27 PM,
Elfprincess Offline
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RE: Do your dogs sleep in your bed with you?
I would love to sleep with my Min Pin mix, but he hates hugging! Every time I try to embrace him, he gets angry, even though he's a peaceful dog. He only likes petting his head and sides.
There's also another reason why I don't sleep with either of my dogs. By which I mean all the bacteria that dogs have on them. How are you guys not worried over getting germs all over your beds? Dogs are well known for their taste in sniffing gross things, like half-rotten fish.
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11-24-2015, 09:22 AM,
lexinonomous Offline
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RE: Do your dogs sleep in your bed with you?
Although my dogs do not currently sleep in my bed, they used to sleep with me every night. I can understand the comfort that comes with having your dogs with you throughout the night, but it can get a bit much when there are three huge dogs at the foot of your bed. I became tired of having to worry about them fighting throughout the night. I also was becoming itchy due to their shedding. They slowly became used to sleeping on the floor, but every once in a while my German Shepard will try and sneak onto the foot of my bed. I don't see anything wrong with it, except the fact that they can be dirty at times.
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12-05-2015, 01:16 PM,
mrheflin2@aol.com Offline

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RE: Do your dogs sleep in your bed with you?
Absolutely! My miniature dalmatian sleeps at the foot of my bed every night. She always lays on my feet and keeps them warm, which I absolutely love. I plan on moving soon, and hopefully rescuing another dog, and I am 100 percent positive that the new dog will also sleep in the bed with me. I feel so lonely and unsafe when I don't have my dog in bed with me. I definitely understand why some people don't let their dogs sleep in bed with them though, the shedding does get a bit annoying at times.
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12-05-2015, 02:25 PM,
lexinonomous Offline
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RE: Do your dogs sleep in your bed with you?
(12-05-2015, 01:16 PM)mrheflin2@aol.com Wrote: Absolutely! My miniature dalmatian sleeps at the foot of my bed every night. She always lays on my feet and keeps them warm, which I absolutely love. I plan on moving soon, and hopefully rescuing another dog, and I am 100 percent positive that the new dog will also sleep in the bed with me. I feel so lonely and unsafe when I don't have my dog in bed with me. I definitely understand why some people don't let their dogs sleep in bed with them though, the shedding does get a bit annoying at times.

I had absolutely no idea that Miniature Dalmations existed! I think you just led me to search for my new favorite breed of dog. I can see sleeping with a small dog being much, much easier than sleeping with my Shepard and Mastiffs. They make wonderful teddy bears, but they are exhausting to sleep with because they think they're small ha ha.
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12-14-2015, 08:43 AM,
legeipslt Offline
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RE: Do your dogs sleep in your bed with you?
Of course I let my dogs sleep in the bed with me! From the largest to the smallest! I remember Rocky, the Giant Alaskan Malamute who weighed 210 pounds who slept on top of the covers, while Hobby, my Collie/Shepherd/Wolf mix slept underneath the covers, cuddling with Tom cat.

Our miniature Poodle at the time slept with my son, and wouldn't let anyone come near my son until he was ready to get up in the morning.

Poco, the Border Collie slept with me. Updated to now, for the past 10 years I have had Chico the Chihuahua sleep with me cuddling up against my upper body, and Coco the Chihuahua who sleeps in some odd manner curled up around my neck. It's hard to move when he decides to magnetize himself against me and growls if I have to turn over to the other side, as I'm a side sleeper.

I find great comfort by having my dogs sleep with me. I also had cats that slept in the bed with me (as Tom cat did).
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02-01-2016, 06:18 AM,
thash1979 Offline
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RE: Do your dogs sleep in your bed with you?
Having a Great Dane, it is a little hard to have him in the bed with us. We even decided to upgrade to a king size just so my husband and I would have room to stretch our legs our around him! This dog seems to feel he is a human and will lay long ways in the bed with us and have his head on my pillow. He even snores like a person when he is sleeping. I told my husband, I am voting for a lap dog if we ever get another!
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02-01-2016, 10:08 AM, (This post was last modified: 02-01-2016, 10:09 AM by Happyflowerlady.)
Happyflowerlady Offline


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RE: Do your dogs sleep in your bed with you?
From the time that he was a teen-tiny puppy, my Chipper has always slept right next to me in the bed. When he was very tiny, less than a lb, he used to cuddle under my chin just like a kitten would do.
That was a good place for him, because I knew that I would not accidentally roll on him during the night as long as he was curled up under my chin.

As he grew older, he started sleeping wherever he wanted to sleep on the bed, and usually cuddled into the back side of my knees.
Sometimes Bobby(my husband ) would move around a lot at night, and he accidentally pushed poor little Chipper off of the bed a few times, until Chipper got the idea to always sleep next to me, and not between Bobby and I .

Now, Chipper is almost 12 years old, and I worry about him falling off of the bed and hurting himself, just because he is so tiny and so fragile. He is a Yorkiepoo , and we have a tall bed; so if he rolled off during the night, he could break a rib.
Now, he sleeps in his own little bed at night, and is safe and can't roll off onto the floor. I miss having him sleeping beside me; but I know that it is much safer for him to be in his own bed.
Tootsie, our other dog, sleeps near him; so he does not feel alone at night.
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02-01-2016, 11:24 PM,
mett1982 Offline
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RE: Do your dogs sleep in your bed with you?
I have two dogs. One is an Alaskan Malamute and the other is a German Shepard. Both sleep in the room with my husband and myself. The malamute will come and lay on the bed for about 20mins and then sleeps on the floor for the rest of the night. Unless there is a thunderstorm and she immediately pops up on the bed. She is kind of a scary cat. My German Shepard though will not move off the bed, no matter how hard I try! He usually sleep at the end of the bed, not leaving that much room for both of us. Sometimes he even sleeps on our pillows, giving us just a little bit to rest our heads on. But we don't dare move him because he is apart of our family. They are both great dogs and if they want to sleep in bed with us, I have no problem letting them!
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05-15-2016, 05:49 PM,
Corzhens Offline


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RE: Do your dogs sleep in your bed with you?
Our dogs sleep in our bedroom but on the wooden floor. They also have their own beds particularly Barbie, the pekingese, who is choosy with her bed while Tisoy, the spitz, has a sleeping mat only. But when we are on vacation, they normally sleep with us on the bed particularly if the floor is concrete because it is cold. When we went to Baguio City, a cold place in the mountains, Barbie and Tisoy slept with us on our beds. Aside from cuddling with me, they needed the blanket for it was very cold.
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