I believe it was week. Well, shorter, but we didn't have proximity accidents after a week and that's what mattered. I did, however, wait for her to turn 6 months before I was able to declare Peanuts, fully housebroken (meaning the potty shoots in the potty spot not near it or else where). As for Chooey, it also took her a couple of days before she understood that the place to potty is where Peanuts potty.
Ginger on the other hand was a bit smarter. The moment I had her stay indoor, she immediately knew where the potty spot was and she would do her business there.
We have wooden floors too! So what I did was purchase a large thick plastic cover from the bookstore and put it all over the potty area. It covered a 2 x 1 meter area. Now, I no longer worry about proximity accidents.